Or save yourself the pain and wait for the expansion when all of the endgame gear now is wiped within three levels.
You can just stop with me after "stupid to play this game". I min/max nothing, know next to nothing about the quests or objectives or money making. I play the game like I live, uselessly. It's fun.
Did they change something? If not, you can just focus on BTN and CUL for max leve $$$. All about dem coffee biscuits.Levelled up my Mining and Botany, Blacksmithing and Weaving, so I can churn out Dwarven Mythril Files en-masse for the leve turn ins.
You get 6 leves per day, which turn in for 21-33k gil (around 25k average) so that's 150k of passive income per day.
I started with a full bank of 100, which is an instant 2.5 million gil.
Probably mass-produce and hand in once a week.
Just one of my money making schemes, trying to grind out 120 million gil before Endwalker.
Did they change something? If not, you can just focus on BTN and CUL for max leve $$$. All about dem coffee biscuits.
That is what makes this game awesome. Every time I do a new instance, I worry and fret about not doing it right. I always tell people: I haven't done this before, and always someone says some variation of, "Not big deal. This way."Honestly this is how I recommend people play anyway. This isn't wow where you're behind a stupid amount or every inch of your playstyle is monitored by someone else. Play to have fun with it. If you want to get in some savage clearing content and have a regular team at end game? Sure maybe focus on the min/max a little more but just relax and have fun with it.
I have another friend coming from wow and did their first alliance raid in Crystal tower. They were pissed off about dying to a one shot mechanic they didn't know how to read (meteor) and didn't get time to read a guide. No one cares in these, the people in them are doing roulettes, people die etc. If anything, I look for the sprouts who run away with stack markers or fail to hide behind meteors because it makes the run less boring seeing someone new struggle in a way I remember struggling.
Eventually muscle memory kicks in, and you learn and it's fine and fun.
Well butter my biscuits it is about 33% more. Though with inventory being what it is I think I would still go for CUL leves. 1) All the finished materials take up 1 inventory slot. 2) All the mats needed are from ShB zones. 3) No hidden materials.Coffee Biscuits not as profitable as Dwarven Mythril Files but they make a good backup if you are lazy
Well butter my biscuits it is about 33% more. Though with inventory being what it is I think I would still go for CUL leves. 1) All the finished materials take up 1 inventory slot. 2) All the mats needed are from ShB zones. 3) No hidden materials.
That said, if you have a healthy economy on your server and plan to churn those out en masse, it might make sense to buy the mythrite ore. If I was doing my 6 daily leves that might even be preferable. Keep a stock of premade dwarven mythril and dwarven cotton, and do 18 combines a day. But I'm a lazy bastard, so I generally do it in one huge batch when I remember it exists.
I can barely be arsed to do 1 MSQlette and beast tribes every day, much less spending time gathering mats and making shit. I am looking forward to EW though, so I am trying to make an effort to get my healers to 80 before it opens. Did all the DPS jobs. Had DOH/DOL done since forever ago. I could probably stand to get my tanks to 50 too, but I really really hate grinding POTD, and any roulette other than MSQ.Not only that but the leve itself can give you up to 2 Dwarven Mythril Ingots as a reward for the leve, which is another 3k on top.
But yeah the economy is starting to hike up the prices on the mats. When I started, both Dwarven Mythril Ingots and Dwarven Cotton were around 1k each, now they are 1.5k. Only my BSM was 80 though so I didn't have a choice.
Now that I can harvest the mats myself (and actually enjoy doing it, while watching anime or TV it's quite relaxing) it's pure profit. Mythrite ore is extremely cheap so not even worth factoring in. One button Dwarven Mythril File crafting macros make the crafting part simple while watching TV as well.
But if you just want to make some passive gil and don't want to jump through all the hoops, Coffee Biscuits are just fine and are probably more popular overall.