SCH could definitely use a little something, but just the 1.5s Broil change is going to make it a lot smoother to play with all the shit you have to weave, so I like that. Still weird there's no fairy gauge spending skill other than fairy beam(in fact there was the 2nd aoe fairy heal but the skill trailer shows it doesn't consume gauge anymore, so they removed one of the 2 things you could use it for). Just combine both tbh, make it so you can Miasma, for fairy gauge. Same kind of tradeoff as Energy Drain for DPS vs using the stacks on heals. That or make a red fairy beam that just fucks enemies. Both would be easy to implement(fairy beam would need an icon and a recolor, but miasma is literally just copy pasting the existing effect) and would probably fix most of the complaints.
Besides that, SCH is already a super stacked job, both in terms of options and hotbar buttons, so it makes sense it doesn't get much. Some consolidation/changes wouldn't have hurt though. I like the new skill unlike a bunch of people, being able to force sprint your tanks in dungeon longer pulls is gonna be super useful.
DRK is a bit disappointing, although I like its simplicity so I don't mind so much. Unfucking Living Dead would go a long way though, maybe they'll do a slight buff for that? All it needs is like +heal received % when it's proced if they want to keep it for flavor. You proc it, you get more heals but you die if you don't get healed to full(and it drops once you get healed to full/can't be activated unless you die, so it can't be thrown as a random cooldown either).
I'm kinda looking at the same classes, MNK/SMN/Reaper, although I feel I don't want to play an expansion class first so I don't have to do shitty leveling before I can do story, so probably MNK or SMN. SMN adds SCH for free which is always nice, but figuring if MNK is fun or not asap is probably better for me.