No, at least no in his XIV time, he was playing his own char(the lala tank) while doing the fights. In WoW I believe he might be doing that during world first prog though.So am I right in ssaying that Max is literally not playing and just coaching/directing 8 people?
How is he actually leading things? FF14 seems to be much more individual skill based than wow?
You can verify if account is flagged on Mogstation, there's a line for EW preorder. You should have gotten a code already to register, assuming you're on PC(PSN is autoregistered). There will be another code during EA for the full version.How the hell is the early access done? Should I have recieved a key allready for that? I think I bought it on the Square Enix website. Or is the account flagged allready?
Thanks almost deleted the email thinking it was just a confirmation of payment.When you buy endwalker you’ll get two codes. One for early access, one for endwalker cd key. You can go ahead and plug in the early access code at the mog station. Have to wait until later this weekend (I think) to apply the cd key.
Edit: if you have your level 80 exp earring, then you already applied the early access code
Tali had a meltie because he forgot (or didn't figure out) this was Zenos, accuses chat of spoiling him:
Yeah, that's the same guy who accused Bellular of grifting and trying to destroy WoW for clicks back then, because he "has been playing FFXIV for five years!"--but didn't make it past level 44 or so and got filtered hard by ARR.
Tali had a meltie because he forgot (or didn't figure out) this was Zenos, accuses chat of spoiling him:
Yeah, that's the same guy who accused Bellular of grifting and trying to destroy WoW for clicks back then, because he "has been playing FFXIV for five years!"--but didn't make it past level 44 or so and got filtered hard by ARR.