Just that sentence makes me chuckle so... hard.make sure your nut sack is full pre-EW launch
It was in the little thing they posted earlier already, not sure if they caught all the tricks though. There's really only two afaik, HUD Layout basically completely removes the afk timer, and then if you're busy during the kick attempt it doesn't kick you(there's dozens of way to be busy, opening retainer/marketboard/vendor/being in a crafting position etc). Iirc during SB they also did like short resets in the morning to kick every overnight afker out. Ultimately can still use a 3rd party to avoid afking at all, so doesn't matter all that much.
Was hoping they would release the #s for lvl's early, but ahwell..
probably the fastest too 71 is run 1 Frontline , 3 Fae BT quests, then either run MSQ/Leveling or Alliance Raid 1 time, should put you into 71 easily..
Is khloe half a level? Though it was 30%. Half a level would let me basically hit 71 in 2mins by turning the book from last week+the 30ish sidequests I have saved which give 1.8% each at 70(apparently it's more xp at lower lvl and goes down to 1% at 80 so figured I'd turn them in on RPR/SGE). Guess I'll do this week's book and turn that in on Sage or something.
After that yeah fastest way is gonna be Bozja in most cases unless you have a static leveling party with a tank. Bozja is kinda nice to just take your time learning your skills with no pressure too, since it's just stupid fates that don't matter.
My plan for now is to leave a bunch of classes unleveled unlike usual, so I have stuff to use once they add a new catchup/relic area in 6.25 which I'm fairly certain they'll do similar to Bozja since that's pretty popular and smart. I'll do MNK for MSQ, then SCH(which also gives me reworked SMN, for once I'll check that out), then RPR and SGE, then probably GNB and DRK(DRK just need 25 more dungeons to get the mount, and then I'll use GNB for expert roulettes and shit this expansion to build up for that mount). Oh and MCH too at some point, I like that class for relaxed raiding. Everything else I'll probably leave like that, maybe lvl WHM to have a non barrier healer or something.
What the fuck is a Khloe book? I have her at max reputation too...
So what should I be doing tonight?
Just got Paladin to 80 and it's full Exarchic.
I have ~1500 Tomestones of the two types that are being retired that I never spent. I'm thinking convert to Poetics to buy lv60 gear for classes I am levelling (I have full lv70 gear).
Desyth belts? I have no idea on desynth other than it's some sort of disenchanting, never done it.
My inventory is clogged with gear so going to max out company seals then desynth the stuff I don't need? (Will keep 1 set of lv50, lv60, lv70, lv80 gear for levelling new classes).
I don't really care about prepping crafting exp, I got them all at 80 and I'll have fun levelling them normally in new content.
I have a fuck ton of random crafting materials and a few for endgame exarchic stuff I never bothered to make. I'm tempted to vendor the lot and start fresh.
What the fuck is a Khloe book? I have her at max reputation too...
So what should I be doing tonight?
Just got Paladin to 80 and it's full Exarchic.
I have ~1500 Tomestones of the two types that are being retired that I never spent. I'm thinking convert to Poetics to buy lv60 gear for classes I am levelling (I have full lv70 gear).
Desyth belts? I have no idea on desynth other than it's some sort of disenchanting, never done it.
My inventory is clogged with gear so going to max out company seals then desynth the stuff I don't need? (Will keep 1 set of lv50, lv60, lv70, lv80 gear for levelling new classes).
I don't really care about prepping crafting exp, I got them all at 80 and I'll have fun levelling them normally in new content.
I have a fuck ton of random crafting materials and a few for endgame exarchic stuff I never bothered to make. I'm tempted to vendor the lot and start fresh.
Wait what the fuck?Khloe is the little girl right across the way from were the Collectable NPC's for Idylshire are.. Little pop-up stand on the upper deck part of the main building.
It's the same spot were you play Faux also(For Unreal Trials)
Basically it's Roulette Bingo , do 9 duties listed in the book over a week(Even though the book runs for 2 weeks ? I think).
Wait what the fuck?
This awards combat class exp!?
There's still shit in this game I'm learning and I have 3 80s...
The xp is actually somewhat new, 5.3 iirc? It used to not give any xp.
It was still worth doing cause it gives money(via treasure maps and tomes you can cash in materials with) or MGP, and if you hit the jackpot it's A LOT of money. It also took like 5mins with BLU, you just do the ARR EX trials and anything else that's short like coil and 1-49 dungeons, then you reset the trials to complete the book. Can do with a 80 unsynced too but BLU is just faster since you can one shot primals.
Most 80 clear the ARR stuff in a minute or so, it's really fast on everyone really that's why it's better to just reset those than to try to do Omega 3N or Eden 6N or whatever else is in the book. BLU definitely beats everything for this though, it's literal one shot for most of the ARR primals, like swiftcast final sting dead(there's some precasting while the arena is opening but eh nothing else to do anyway) and it's great if you want to run some dungeons too like 1-49(I usually do Tam tara) or even 51-59 cause you have perma sprint when soloing on BLU which saves you a lot of time running around.I've Gotten Titan/Ifrit/Garuda too under 1min clears via Black Mage *laugh* and have done Shiva Once but I got really lucky with crits on Xenoglossy.