<Silver Donator>
Been doing a bunch of P3S, getting most of the mechanics but still people dying to a lot of common shit, and it doesn't help the strats are all "the same but slightly different". One party has H+R and M+T but other is M+H and T+R(which is better for uptime on spreads), then you have some going tanks left healers right on tornado but the very next party it's the opposite, you have "tanks invuln and tank both towers" which is super prone to fucking up, "tanks invuln but ranged soak tornados" which is a lot better but the ranged somehow die to tornados cause they weren't full from the aoe 20secs before or some shit and so on, it's all a big clusterfuck of shit trying to figure out how each group wants to do mechanics. And then you still have people constantly failling birds or fountain every few pulls so you have to keep going through the early fight over and over zzz.
Been playing DRK because the static I was subbing in had a WAR and felt I should get used to DRK since PLD dmg is shit, and goddamn do I hate playing DRK for multiple hours in a row. So much fucking double weaving, especially every 2mins. It's not as bad as NIN but it's pretty fucking close, I literally double weave for like 7 GCDs in a row, and then there's a tank buster so I need to double weave some more because they thought it'd be a great idea to just throw some additional fucking mitigation buttons. I'm doing Rampart+Dark Mind+Oblation+TBN on some of these tank busters, Shadowwall+Oblation+TBN for the rest(most of them granted but still). So much busy work, and then I notice I pressed Blood Weapon slightly too early or I was slightly out of melee range for like .3s to dodge a mechanic and now I lose one hit in Blood Weapon. Fucking ass sucking design.
Meanwhile WAR is like, single weave 6times. Buster? Meh just press 2 buttons it's good enough. Maybe use a heal sometimes too. Obviously don't get as much dmg but goddamn.
Been playing DRK because the static I was subbing in had a WAR and felt I should get used to DRK since PLD dmg is shit, and goddamn do I hate playing DRK for multiple hours in a row. So much fucking double weaving, especially every 2mins. It's not as bad as NIN but it's pretty fucking close, I literally double weave for like 7 GCDs in a row, and then there's a tank buster so I need to double weave some more because they thought it'd be a great idea to just throw some additional fucking mitigation buttons. I'm doing Rampart+Dark Mind+Oblation+TBN on some of these tank busters, Shadowwall+Oblation+TBN for the rest(most of them granted but still). So much busy work, and then I notice I pressed Blood Weapon slightly too early or I was slightly out of melee range for like .3s to dodge a mechanic and now I lose one hit in Blood Weapon. Fucking ass sucking design.
Meanwhile WAR is like, single weave 6times. Buster? Meh just press 2 buttons it's good enough. Maybe use a heal sometimes too. Obviously don't get as much dmg but goddamn.
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