Mr. Poopybutthole
People shit where they eat in the real world all the time.Man, those people have issues.
People shit where they eat in the real world all the time.Man, those people have issues.
here am I just doing my roulettes and weeklies, slowly gathering up old mounts.
It's like Malkav is playing an entirely different game.
Not sure I could ever get into savage raiding or the FF14 party scene.
These people have been in the same FC as me for years too. They seemed pretty chill and helpful from afar (never played much with them outside of the occasional roulette), so going into a static with them instead of complete strangers seemed an okay idea enough. I had no fucking idea of the underlying shitshow.
I've done my share of e-whoring but I always had a rule: Do not shit where I play seriously.
I went from vanilla wow to wotlk without a single problem or instance of drama, because WoW was for gaming, not for women. Same deal with Vanilla wow. Never even tried to catch a sniff. Never got involved in any drama.
FF14 is the same for me. I like what I do there. I play it for the game not for socializing or trying to get my dick e-wet. There's plenty other places for that if I ever get the urge.
Oh yeah i'm 100% with you on that, just wanted a casual fun static to prog with, not this hot mess. Shit I'm not even socializing in the game 99% of the time.
Weren't you flirting with/tapping the girl and considering dating her? How is that being hands off?![]()
DRK is the highest DPS tank, but the difference is negligible and not something you'd notice. It's like 150-200DPS at lvl 90. That said while leveling, classes get their skills at different times, and so some classes are stronger than others in the process.Just got a bunch of DRK DPS abilities in the 60-70 range and I'm doing dungeons in 15 mins max. Feels like shit is melting, it's really fun.
I levelled PAL this way a few months ago and don't remember it being so quick, though it was much safer. So I'm guessing DRK is one of the higher DPS tanks?
I have Gunbreaker and Paladin at 90 280 iLevel, Dark Knight at 69 and Warrior at 50.
I'm hearing Warrior is the best right now though? I'm only levelling DRK because I have the Hydaelin weapon for it, though I have a badass glam planned for DRK.
Need pics of her to really be the judge ourselvesI'll admit I'm at fault for letting myself tempted when she started hitting on me lol. I sure didn't look for it though.
Planned Since warcraft 3
This is a word of warning: You may go full sith lord and/or XivSlothCombo after this. So be warned.Is there a list of dalamud plugins like this that aren't listed by default in the in game launcher menu?
Just be careful of what you install or you'll get a bitcoin miner as a plugin.This is a word of warning: You may go full sith lord and/or XivSlothCombo after this. So be warned.
First, add this repo in Dalamud Plugins -> Settings (bottom):
Next, install DalamudRepoBrowser. This will show you many repositories with /xlrepos, and if you mouse over the names of the plugins most tell you what they do.
This is a word of warning: You may go full sith lord and/or XivSlothCombo after this. So be warned.
First, add this repo in Dalamud Plugins -> Settings (bottom):
Next, install DalamudRepoBrowser. This will show you many repositories with /xlrepos, and if you mouse over the names of the plugins most tell you what they do.
Just be careful of what you install or you'll get a bitcoin miner as a plugin.
Yes, it even says so in the repository browser:Is that legit a thing? So on those repositories, nothing is vetted then
Dalamud only allows "non-automation" addons. Things like YesPlease or SomethingNeedDoing that automate things are not allowed.Only safe to trust the ones that ultimately are put on dalamud by default?
Like in a "shut your mouth", or more like in a "do not talk to me or my wife's son ever again" kind of way?and saying it'd be for the best if we never talked again.
Like in a "shut your mouth", or more like in a "do not talk to me or my wife's son ever again" kind of way?
Weren't you in an FC? Shouldn't FC leadership be made aware of "mademoiselle polyamoureuse" and her escapades, or else they might want to recruit other FC members for their new static?
bad news, there is a lot of reasons, and some drama, I don't want to get into detail and I don't want to run everywhere to silence rumours, I am extremely annoyed and exhausted, I try to push away the bad feelings and focus on the real and the good time, but at this point I hit my threshold, I had a lot of fun with you guys, I hope I was a good leader at least in fight, I'm very proud how far we got blind, but there is too much little social issues that had grow, and lately one big that is very difficult for me to face.
I officially disband the cookie static (again)
I was annoyed the last time I did this, I am very sad this time, I do not blame anyone and I do not hold grief, I hope that most will do as well.