God it had been some time since I had a look at them, but the official forums seem to have become even more retarded than before. Got brain damage just by looking at them, they are not even entertaining in their silliness anymore.
Can I check, am I okay with saying I thought the EW storyline was dogshit without it ruining anything?
God it had been some time since I had a look at them, but the official forums seem to have become even more retarded than before. Got brain damage just by looking at them, they are not even entertaining in their silliness anymore.
ughh seems to be alot of problems with Island Sanc, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't extend the maint to fix it.
Scroll all the way down too "Known Issues"
And there up.. I wouldn't hold my breath on them staying up long though..
I have no idea what was going on the whole first fight. The boss ate me lmao.Okay, that first fight is gonna be interesting in Savage.. cause holy shit there is a bunch of new mechanics they have added.. and some stuff I haven't seen sense Alexander Raids but cranked up too 11..
The pixie quests are basically one of the best ways to level alt jobs 70-80. great xp for very little effort per day.I liked the pixies more than I should have. I might go and do all their side quests.
I have no idea what was going on the whole first fight. The boss ate me lmao.
Second I got except the bit where the aoes change direction for some reason. Had to heal myself as a tank as healers had a job ressing so many people.
Third and Fourth seemed pretty easy.
The armour from this looks insane, armour glows are fairly rare.
That was confirmed in 5.3 when we get the crystal, then again in 6.0Lol at Lahabrea and Elidibus both going , "You have some really weird Aether." If they only knew, and I think that now yes it has been confirmed we are Azem, after what Elidibus said during the final bit of the first fights questline.
After finishing MSQ, I had a thought on the identity of the guy in armor and I think the whole 13th is a red herring on the theme of the next expansion.
I think it might be Emperor Xande. It sort of fits: They both have a similar stature, both appear to have mastered capturing dragons, and he goes on about a gateway like the gateway Xande was obsessed with.
As such, while everyone suspects the 13th/Void will be the primary focus of the next expac, it might be the return of Xande and some new Allagan empire