Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
How much of a hit is borderless fullscreen supposed to be on a single card? I have an i5-4670k and a GTX 770 2GB. In full screen I was hitting 11-12k, and in borderless fullscreen windowed mode it was dropping as low as ~6k. This seemed a little unnatural to me, and I don't remember having frame rate issues in beta.
Switching to fullscreen exclusive mode was about a 5% improvement for me. Certainly not enough to make me use it over the convenience of being able to alt-tab at will.

Regarding Scholar, I think you'll see the vast majority of people level ACN->SUM and only switch to SCH when they hit 50 and have all the abilities at once, instead of dealing with a half-assed healer up to that point.

And I disagree that it isn't group-centric. It might not force you to group (actually it does every once in a while) but the best way to level by far is through grouping all the time.


<Silver Donator>
It's group centric, in the sense that it's better xp to level in groups and you have a bunch of storyquests that require a group to complete, but you can solo. Difficulty so far is low, might become hard in endgame but hard to tell.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Full screen vs. borderless was a huge hit for me as well - pulled 10k on maximum at 1080p (7990 XFX o/c'ed DD edition card - my CPU needs work though, too stubborn to give up on AMD) but was barely passing 4k at lower settings in borderless windowed with only a rerolled Firefox window running at the same time.

Seems the first time my video card actually got pushed at all in a while - I could smell the dust inside my case singing for a little bit of the benchmark (but it's not overheating, never went over 55C - never seen my thermal monitor go over 42C with the card otherwise - I'm a tad temp phobic after some serious meltdowns in the past, thus the constant temp monitor).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Weird, seeing as I only ever use AMD hardware too, and borderless fullscreen was barely a noticeable hit at all. My cpu is an overclocked x6 though, and XIV uses all 6 cores equally. GPU is a 7950. My scores are ~8600 exclusive and ~8200 borderless, after some tweaking the settings to get rid of the shit that drags down fps without adding any image quality (Occlusion on, FXAA off/SweetFX instead, Shadow Resolution - 1024p, and SSAO - Weak) or just plain detracts from IQ (radial blur and limb darkening). Everything else maxed out.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Did the subclass you need to level to 15 to access the WHM job quest change? It used to be GLD, but looks like WHM pulls skills from THM and ACN now. I also wonder if you have to level them both to 15 or just one.


The stats you get from levels is a fairly minor part of the total stats, like 10% or so, so it won't have a huge effect, plus you might be able to respec points come release or later, in the original you could reset like a few points per week or some shit.
It's a good point since no base class has branched off into two separate jobs except this one, but my guess is you'll be able to put 30 points into each separately.


In 1.0 you had to level the main class to 30 and the sub class to 15. I think the new datamining suggested that WHM doesn't sub gladiator skills anymore, and can use THM and ACN skills. We were under the impression it would stay the same, but leveling Gladiator to 15 wouldn't make much sense if you don't get skills from it to use as WHM. Leveling both THM and ACN to 15 (at least) would be a bigger roadblock to obtaining WHM than other jobs and that doesn't sound right. Even though dedicated WHM players will level up anything that will unlock a useful skill, and probably end up with high THM and ACN as a result, it wouldn't be necessary to do during the initial leveling and job unlock.

So the question is, does anyone know for sure how you obtain jobs now? Maybe it's just a quest chain, like the skills quests?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Leveling both THM and ACN to 15 (at least) would be a bigger roadblock to obtaining WHM than other jobs and that doesn't sound right.
All jobs have two sub-classes now, so it having to get both to 15 would be annoying but consistent.

In WHM's case, you don't really get anything useful until 40 anyway, so I figure I'll just slowly level THM/ACN whenever other people aren't around.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Odd, maybe one of the driver tweaks I did in between accounted for the difference, but all the ones I did SHOULD'VE cost me FPS in a normal setting. (i.e. VSync)

CPU is a FX-8350 (or a past equivalent - too lazy to check my order history - it's a 4GHz FX with 4.2 GHz turbo I got like Nov or so last year after I destroyed my previous CPU after it started overheating and I broke a pin reseating it after getting a new cooling rig ><) which does put it a smidge behind most Phenom 2's but not astronomically so.

My drivers are hopelessly out of date I'm realizing too though - perhaps a lessened hit once I do that and/or the windowed test I ran was outside of native resolution, so maybe that managed some of the hit too. Will screw with it some.

Edit: Not drivers - been an age since I updated them, but 13.4 is still current outside of beta drivers it appears.

Edit #2: Was "windowed" not borderless windowed I was doing before - missed that odd second option for windowed before.

Edit #3: FX-4170 the benchmark polls it - only a 4 core - but already with the tweaks so far it's passed the earlier windowed tests - in the 8k's now with a bit more to go. 9300 - minor hit now.


I got an email to sign up for beta until july 31st but I was away and missed the deadline

what can I do to get in the Open Beta?

I already prdered the game through their digital store


Where can I download the beta client or is it even available?
It's not available. They'll give directions via the forum when P4 is live.

So no predownload yet.


Just wondering the whole switching characters thing, from what I understand, so long as you level everything.. you're allowed to play anything that you leveled. Is there any respec price to say switching roles from Monk to Bard? Thinking I'll just have to hope that at end game everything worn is job specific so it's not that easy to switch.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Just wondering the whole switching characters thing, from what I understand, so long as you level everything.. you're allowed to play anything that you leveled. Is there any respec price to say switching roles from Monk to Bard? Thinking I'll just have to hope that at end game everything worn is job specific so it's not that easy to switch.
No, you just equip the weapon. Or, more conveniently, you equip the preset equipment from the inventory menu you've got set up and switch.

*edit: No, everything worn (outside of weapons) is armor type specific, not job specific. Certain jobs are cloth wearers for example, so what you wore as a level 1 CNJ will work for your level 1 THM. But I guess artifact gear or whatever they're going to call it at endgame could be job specific, so then you'd be screwed and need to have the uberset level 50 stuff for every job. But for leveling, no.


So i purchased the game when it first released. What do I have to do to get ready for release? I'd love to get into the open beta or at least early release.