Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<Silver Donator>
Also from Reddit, UI stuff that's not obvious at all. In UI edit mode(ESC then HUD Layout or something), right click a window to hide it(can't hide everything sadly), Ctrl+Home to cycle through the scaling, it's 80% 100% 120% only, but you can make some stuff bigger this way(minimap, group etc). Also you can set the voice acting to the language you want in System Settings, Other Options. Not that there's too much voice acting but eh.


FPS noob
Is this game worth me giving a shit?
feels like an mmo designed 8 years ago, which is gonna be great for some people and not so great for others. heavy heavy trivial questing (literally non stop bear asses, hundreds of hours of it), slow-er combat than more recent stuff, big overland with lots of places to explore, a very weeaboo anime styling which some will love and some will hate. As a few have said, ffxiv feels like the last game in an era, where people paid subs and everything you did was in a guild and took a long time, vs the current f2p/15 minute sessions gaming style. That said it does have auto loot, public quests (very similar to GW2), and an insane number of starting zones, zones, cities, crafting options, classes, etc.

the entire next week is open beta for everyone so you can judge for yourself. Their infrastructure is complete shit, and again reminds you of something designed 8 years ago. Its quite a challenge just getting onto a server, creating a character, and logging in (no joke), and the client is constantly fighting you every step of the way with things like exiting if login server doesn't respond, if server is full, server crashes a lot, etc. Just on and on with stupid little things that make you wonder how competent they are.

oh works x-platform on pc and ps3 so great if you have a friend who wants to try on console. pc version is vastly superior though, ps3 is upscaled 480p


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How is the leveling curve in the game? As in, quick to max, play from there? Or more grindy like FF11?
took me 4 and a half hours to hit level 20, 50 being the max. Probably under 2 days played to hit cap on 1 class.


<Silver Donator>
Arcanist is way OP at soloing FATEs, there was the group FATE in Drybones with the linked cows that spawned so I go there and I'm alone cause it's 7AM, but I start anyway, figure I kill one cow, it gives me xp when the event fails due to time limit. Tank Carbuncle+healing+DPS no problem, then around 40% on the cow I'm targetting, some assbag runs in to "help", aggro the other 3 cows, pull them on my aoeing carbuncle then run away. Now it's tanking 6 of the group cows on its own, and I can keep it alive while still applying dots(not much time for nukes though).

Fast forward 4mins later and I manage to kill a cow and a couple of people come in and start helping, we even kill a 2nd cow. The whole time I was dotting, healing and tanking basically the entire FATE and this one is designed for groups unlike the ones with normal mobs. Pretty funny shit. The fact that you have very good mana regen tools coupled with having 2 heals(one pet only and the normal heal) coupled with having a tank pet is like way strong, it feels like Demolock with a Voidwalker that doesn't suck dicks at keeping aggro. I mean it won't keep aggro off an actual DPS class DPSing full speed, but it can easily outaggro heals+dots which is great.


A Mod Real Quick
If I have one complaint about this game, they need to fix this goddamn fucking awful map they have. Jesus Christ it's about as intuitive as FFXI's maps


Mr. Poopybutthole
Reading you can max in 2 days and all the quests are get 10 of these makes me not even want to play.
Hitting max level doesn't mean a whole lot, as you have to group/raid/whatever to get gear once you hit max. And there's a dozen other classes to play so you can use their abilities in your build, as well as crafting/gathering being entirely different animals. 2 days to max "played" means just as much as having a 50 druid thorns you in EQ while noob leveling. Time spent =/= quality of content.


Awhile back someone posted some good tips, but I forgot to really take note of them. Is the consensus that leves should be saved up for alt classes and crafting? How about quests from the other two cities? I just hit 15 and the breadcrumb trail in gridnia finally went dry, so I'm pretty happy to be off the rails. From here on out I'm guessing dungeon queues, leves, and hunting log is pretty much whats up?

I have to work until wednesday, but looking forward to seeing you all then and hoping I haven't been left completely in the dust.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You don't even need leves , well so far, for alt classes. The 50% bonus exp you get makes it pretty easy to level up, especially when you hit the dungeons.


Potato del Grande
Awhile back someone posted some good tips, but I forgot to really take note of them. Is the consensus that leves should be saved up for alt classes and crafting? How about quests from the other two cities? I just hit 15 and the breadcrumb trail in gridnia finally went dry, so I'm pretty happy to be off the rails. From here on out I'm guessing dungeon queues, leves, and hunting log is pretty much whats up?

I have to work until wednesday, but looking forward to seeing you all then and hoping I haven't been left completely in the dust.
No, you'll come across more quest hubs. Your story quests will lead you to them. You may end up in Uldah's area though doing quest hubs there, as thats where the story leads you to after the dungeon quests.


Mr. Poopybutthole
took me 4 and a half hours to hit level 20, 50 being the max. Probably under 2 days played to hit cap on 1 class.
I dunno how some of you have done it, even the ones who played previous betas. I played for over 12 hours today and I'm halfway through lvl 18.

In TERA I was one of the first to 50, and I was playing a priest. Not sure why this has proved so much more difficult.


I dunno how some of you have done it, even the ones who played previous betas. I played for over 12 hours today and I'm halfway through lvl 18.

In TERA I was one of the first to 50, and I was playing a priest. Not sure why this has proved so much more difficult.
I played for 12 hours and got ARC to 20, and CNJ to 15.

I'm not 100% certain how the tagging system seems to work. As best as I can tell, if you tag a mob, and others kill it, you get full XP. Also, if someone else tags a mob, but you do at least 30-50% of the damage, you get full XP (These criteria also seem to apply for quest credit). I abused this in some areas where there were super fast respawns and a million people killing the same mobs. I'd just spam tag everything while other people killed them all. It wasn't my main way of leveling, but it certainly provided some very fast XP in a few places. I was 19 by the time I had finished up my starting area's questlines and getting the airship pass.


Mr. Poopybutthole
if you skip literally everything for having done it all/dislike storylines, then you can level fast. Otherwise, it does take awhile to read all the shit and move forward.


I actually like the quest system so far. For once in a long time I have actually been reading quests again. The 2.5 sec GCD sucks but combat and the animations feel fluid. The group duty quests that start at 10 were fun to tank, were very rewarding and it was nice to be able to jump in and out of them quickly. The storyline quest has also been engaging and rewarding so far.

I ended up getting a Gladiator to 17, miner to 16, weaver to 12, alchemist to 5 and goldsmith to 7 on my first character. Decided that I was just going to dabble with different aspects of the game today.

I have not played FFXIV since the beta in 1.0 and I purposefully stayed away from spoiler websites prior to jumping into the game. I have been taking a casual approach to the game so far and I am loving it.


Trakanon Raider
Reading you can max in 2 days and all the quests are get 10 of these makes me not even want to play.
Yesterday I played for around 3-4 hours and I am level 11. I still level faster now than in Beta, and you can level faster than I have so far. However, if you have never played the game before (you explore and do not know the minmax way, and do not skip all the quest text) it will be the slowest leveling curve you have encountered since EQ.

Questing is non stop until level 15-17 or so. This is because it keeps introducing you to new things ever 2-3 levels in the beginning. You open up inn resting, travel, guildleaves, dungeons, mounts, etc. Consider the first 15 levels or so a tutorial run. It is linear in the beginning, then opens up to where it is more of a "go where you wish" type of thing. Once the game opens up, it no longer gives you as many trivial tasks (go there, kill that, get that, etc), they are rather put as guildleaves (repeatable quests that you do when you wish).

Difficulty is also, as others have stated, similar to the old days of mmos. You can die from the early levels. Game does not put you in godmode until end game dungeons that other mmos seem to have done. Take WoW as an example, you will never die against a similar level non dungeon mob. In FF 14 you can.

It also looks and feels like a Final Fantasy game. So if you enjoy the theme of Final Fantasy with what feels like old school game mechanics, you will most likely enjoy this game. Quest text is also actually a bit more mature than what we are used to in mmos. I only skip text of quests I have already read in beta. Even the level 2 "go talk to this character" quest have more lore in them than level 30 multiple chain quests from TERA.

This has been posted several times in the thread, but with the 25% off coupon from greenmangaming (GMG25-OGRUH-7SM8H) the game costs 18.75 euro, or probably 20ish something dollars. Well worth trying it at that price in my opinion.


Golden Squire
Man. Leveled up Arcanist because of the WHM job requirements, and holy shit is the class awful to play. Rollingfourdots on multiple adds each pull when each dot has a 2.5s GCD is just super irritating. Output wise the class seems like it's competitive with the other DPS classes though. Won't be able to confirm for sure until the parser recognizes carbuncles.