Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Squire
And on a side note:

With how the game is designed now, I'm pretty sure that skill breaks it. Unless fights get dramatically harder, all you're going to have to do in most instances is cast Regen and win. The potency/duration combo on that spell is absolutely stupid.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you skipped through every single cutscene and quest dialogue and Baldur's Gate 2 would be about a 20 hour game too. You'd also be missing the point.

Also, While I'm personally doing all the bear ass turn-ins... I think it'd be pretty easy to skip them, between pushing hard on xp chains, finishing my hunting log and doing the main and class quests... and running through every fate that spawns nearby, (1 boss mob spawned in lower noscea when I was 7 which gave like 1250xp just to kill it and I was 2 levels under "the design" so no clue what I'd have gotten if I'd been 9 at the time) I think most of the sidequests would be skippable, even at level 9 I'm outleveling many of my quests which are 5-6... but I don't want to miss out on any of the storylines.

edit: 1650 at level 9 for (one pickman enters)

Black Sun Wizard

Silver Knight of the Realm
Ok, I've never been one to say anything about dress and clothing but these guys are stretching it


Or how about this lovely little number ...



Potato del Grande
Ok, I've never been one to say anything about dress and clothing but these guys are stretching it


Or how about this lovely little number ...

Lol the subligar. People bitched about that in FFXI too. I think it's funny they brought it back, and you only have to wear it for an hour or so before upgrading it this time around (as opposed to weeks in FFXI)

The pink armor, you can dye. You get a dye skill around 18 from Uldah area. West Uldah zone, far north of Horizon outpost if I remember right.


I just thought I'd post my final thoughts after playing p3 and 4, for people still on the fence about snagging it. I had a 18 archer, 12 leatherworker, 10 conj.

The Immersion is it's strongest aspect. I'm one of those people who like well crafted worlds and like a world I can kind of "Live in", hanging around bullshitting in chat while running around the world. For some reason WoW didn't hook me with its world at all. Maybe it was the art style, or the way the zones are setup. In fact, since EQ not many virtual worlds have left me wanting to log in without a specific purpose, like raiding. In this, I feel like the world is amazingly crafted, and the ambient sounds and music add a great deal. A MMO where I haven't turned the music off in 10 minutes? Nearly unthinkable for me. The character customization and E-barbie factor is pretty good too, if thats your thing. I actually read the quest dialogue too. I swear to god I've NEVER done that past level 3 or 4 in a game except the secret world.

Combat is probably the worst feature, since its, well...MMO hotbar combat. Gross. There's a 2 second global cooldown, but I actually kind of like that, since the only thing worse than MMO hotbar combat is fast MMO hotbar combat. It's not /bad/, it's just a traditional MMO with all that entails. Another thing is I feel like 1-15ish was really underwhelming, and until you unlock all your options it feels a lot less enjoyable.

The game doesn't reinvent the wheel. In fact, I kind of feel like this may be the last big "Traditional style" MMO I'll play, until newer stuff like EQN hits. Some people won't like the gameplay itself, but I feel like it's basically taken the wow model and more or less polished it up pretty perfectly. It has a lot of stuff I've hated in the past (quest hubs and bear asses mainly), but somehow I don't really mind it as much, since leves and fates and alternative methods are all options. I've basically bounced from MMO to MMO since WoW and most don't hold my attention for even the intro levels. This one definitely has, and I want to log in and play a ridiculous amount. I haven't hit the exping hard like this since classic wow or EQ.

The replay value looks like it'll be there, if you like leveling up lots of classes. The fact that I can play every class on one character is huge to me. I hate alts with a passion.

Just my personal feelings on the game. It still has a lot of stuff I hate about MMOs, but I feel like it's "the best" choice out there for me right now.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Read on reddit that I should do dungeons for gear because you can turn those in for seals or something when the game goes live. Can anyone explain how that works exactly?


Guys I really suggest you hurry and create a char on Gilgamesh. Everyone can register and I am certain they will restrict the creation of new chars like yesterday.


Trump's Staff
Guys I really suggest you hurry and create a char on Gilgamesh. Everyone can register and I am certain they will restrict the creation of new chars like yesterday.
Can't login to website (bad gateway), and I have no idea how to get this game going.

Edit: Got it - Jesus their web page blows. The thing I needed to click was in fucking German.


For those who just joined the beta and are on Gilgamesh, you will not see anyone around until you finish the initial quest. Don't freak out, you're not on the wrong server =P


Trump's Staff
jesus all these things they make you choose at character creation... do they have actual gameplay impact? birthday, deity etc


Trakanon Raider
In game as Droigan Kibartik if anyone has an invite to give me to the linkshell or whatever it is (never been in a guild in the FF games)