Thought so, I played with Divinus and then BRotherhood of the Spider(DROW) on the same server (think you ran Pain?). I'm actually playing with DROW again so won't be joining the forum guild but after the rush is over I might make an alt in the forum server and try and go for mans greatest challenge outside of not pissing on the toilet seat ......converting a lesbian!Yeah Turbo same one and Valos that sucks =(
Ive got forums that are setup but what a PITA to have everyone register somewhere else etc.
I'm still at work. I haven't mentioned it to my wife yet either, but I'm pretty sure she was annoyed when I spent all of Saturday and Sunday (she doesn't know I spent Friday playing) in game. I'm actually still up in the air with when I'll get up. At first I thought 6am, but then I was like...shit, the servers will have been up 4 hours by then! So then I thought maybe 4. But if I'm getting up at 4, I may as well do 2? That means going to bed after I get off work, go to the gym, and then eat.Haha, my alarm is set for 2am and I haven't even mentioned it to my wife yet. She has no idea I'm going into mmo mode.
That's one interesting assortment you've got there.Are you rrrrrrreeeeeeady!?
I'm tore up. Lets rock.Just me or have you already been into the goose?
Guise... just do 20 pushups each TS combine.I was joking, I put 100 lbs on my bench and lost 50 lbs in the last 6 months while recovering from shoulder surgery. Not going to loose that over a week of overdose of Torino"s. and I do it because that's how I live my life, bust ass and do the hard work up front and enjoy the benefits at the end. Everyone has their own approach / shrug, this is worth it to me becuse it's 100 % bliss with no thought of conciseness. I rather have brief periods of that and bust ass and be disciples the rest of the time.
I got I might even put easy cheese. ON my totino's hahahhahha.
shh i wanna login at 2am before all the people who are raging at having to download a 1 gig patchI hopped on for the fuck of it, downloading a 1 gb patch. You may all want to get it up and download.
I was thinking of running on Maximum and maybe turning off shadows but why bother. The benchmark ran without a hitch at maximum settings. Can't wait to play game looks great.FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Official Benchmark (Character Creation)
Tested on:8/23/2013 7:09:13 PM
Average Framerate:43.304
Performance:Very High
-Easily capable of running the game. Should perform exceptionally well, even at higher resolutions.
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Screen Mode: Borderless Windowed
Graphics Presets: Maximum
-Enable HDR rendering and improve overall graphic quality. : Enabled
-Disable rendering of objects when not visible. (Occlusion Culling) : Disabled
-Use low-detail models on distant objects. (LOD) : Disabled
-Cache LOD data only when necessary. (LOD Streaming) : Disabled
-Real-time Reflections : High
-Edge Smoothing (Anti-aliasing) : FXAA
-Transparent Lighting Quality : High
-Grass Quality : High
-Self : Display
-Other NPCs : Display
Shadow Quality
-Use low-detail models on shadows. (LOD) : Disabled
-Shadow Resolution : High - 2048p
-Shadow Cascading : Best
-Shadow Softening : Strong
Texture Detail
-Texture Filtering : Anisotropic
-Anisotropic Filtering : x16
Movement Physics
-Self : Full
-Other NPCs : Full
-Naturally darken the edges of the screen. (Limb Darkening) : Enabled
-Blur the graphics around an object in motion. (Radial Blur) : Enabled
-Screen Space Ambient Occlusion : Strong
-Glare : Normal
Cinematic Cutscenes
-Enable depth of field. : Enabled
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130708-1532)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (VRAM 4050 MB) 9.18.0013.2049
Benchmark results do not provide any guarantee FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn will run on your system.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Official Website
(C) 2010-2013 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Tweet Score:5016 1920x1080 Maximum Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti