I was skeptical on the end game content so I slowed my poopsocking down to the bare min. It also helped that I got sick right before early release. But there is stuff to keep people that dont play as much as Sean does entertained. For at least a month before it starts to wear down on normal folks. What will really be the mark of success will be if the first content patch comes out in 2-4 weeks, or 2 months.
Right now at 50 you have a big milestone to work towards, relic weapon. Requires level 50 crafting item from xxx craft depending on what you need. As been mentioned you have tomes to farm up to get the armor thats available. And yeah they limit you, so guys that want to just poopsock as much as sean does are going to get throttled, and that doesnt always sit well for that type. I know I can tend to be like that myself, but I knew better going into these new batch of MMOs. Anyone taking their time, and is just now hitting 40 along with trying various classes, will most like be ok. Well I hope so anyways!
But over all, anyone still wanting to buy this today and start playing. Stop! Servers are locked, you'll have a hard time of it. Really guys, cool your jets and wait out the new datacenters. Yes people are praising the game itself, but no one is praising the bullshit before and trying to get to the game. Right now the game isnt for sale, and anyone going to shady 3rd party sellers are idiots. The game will be right back up for sale once shit settles.