Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


I stopped playing once I hit 50 back in December (warrior).

Did this happen to anyone else? I just got a strong urge to take a break since it was kind of a grind. And while I would love to level up another job, I just can't do it so soon after hitting 50.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I stopped playing once I hit 50 back in December (warrior).

Did this happen to anyone else? I just got a strong urge to take a break since it was kind of a grind. And while I would love to level up another job, I just can't do it so soon after hitting 50.
Hit 47 I think on my BLM and decided I just didn't have time to do anything other than solo, and I figured at 50 it would mostly be dungeons and such, so I quit. Oh, yeah, we also had a baby, so that may have had something to do with it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I stopped playing once I hit 50 back in December (warrior).

Did this happen to anyone else? I just got a strong urge to take a break since it was kind of a grind. And while I would love to level up another job, I just can't do it so soon after hitting 50.
Exactly the same. Hit 50 as a warrior, quit after the first month.


Golden Squire
Exactly the same. Hit 50 as a warrior, quit after the first month.
In fairness, I think rolling warrior initially had a lot to do with your early departure from the game. Warriors being terrible was one area where SE really dropped the ball in early FFXIV, and almost every person I know that rolled warrior as their first class ended up either quitting or rage rerolling another class.

If you had rolled PLD instead of WAR, and gotten a steady group (as opposed to all the in-guild group drama bullshit that went on), my guess is that you'd still be playing the game actively. Personally, I think you should give the game a shot again come 2.2. Lots of new content to see + getting groups is substantially easier now.


Yea. I know I'll go back eventually.

When ARR was first announced I knew I wanted to be a black mage. But I guess I'm too stupid to understand how to play THM, so I went with marauder/warrior instead. Right now I'm leveling up a Lancer, but I might go archer/bard


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
yes, it will be like that until you get holy. i made an alt healer and it was not fun. healing itself was alright, kept me awake for some time in the dungeon.


How's the economy of this game now? I haven't played since release and I know there was a serious lack of gil income after you exhausted all your quests and people were going broke on repairs. Also, can crafters actually make anything that people want to buy? I really liked the crafting side of the game but it seemed the economy was kinda messed up, and people were saying crafters didn't make much of anything useful at the high end. I never got that far myself.


Molten Core Raider
When I quit (was like 6 weeks in or something), I was the best geared BLM on the server and I had max crafted gear in most slots over alot of my BC gear. It depended on the class but crafted was amazing outside of BC gear for most IF you maxed it out with everything. Can't say if its changed or not.

On the flip side, my Warrior 2 box I had max crafting gear and while his dps was higher then about any warrior on the server the tank stats were not nearly as good due to the combo pieces that only had 5 slots total vs 5 each.

Also while I was focused on 2 boxing and raiding not crafting I still managed to be one of the first 50's and half ass controlled the market and made like 14M gil just selling top end star+ gear or whatever it was for 1m+ a pop on some as well as all the good crafting gear. Also bought up all the mats to make the top end crafting gear before people realized it was worth so much, after me buying 90% of the entire market for like 2 weeks at 10-20k, then it jumped to 40-60k per ore/etc. Was funny.

Part of me wants to play again but I really need to stay away from MMO's especially with such an open ended system of leveling so many things. I went hardcore leveling when the game released and was one of the first 50's plus had a 2 box 50 right behind it. Too damn competitive for MMO's that have sooo much to I think I sold my damn really good account but still have my warrior.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Using crafted gear was never better dps than a correctly tuned ilvl 90 set. It was, however, beneficial for early HP boosts on Twintania.


Started on Gilgamesh yesterday. Thinking about going bard so started a pugilist. Just about to finish my airship quest and head to Gridania. Really enjoying it so far, something new.
Bard is pugilist 15/archer 30 and uses a lot of the gear from archer and is dex based instead of strength based like the archer. You might want to head to Gridania and change to an archer so you can get the right quest rewards from the main story. The main story quest rewards are invaluable for leveling up.


<WoW Guild Officer>
In fairness, I think rolling warrior initially had a lot to do with your early departure from the game. Warriors being terrible was one area where SE really dropped the ball in early FFXIV, and almost every person I know that rolled warrior as their first class ended up either quitting or rage rerolling another class.

If you had rolled PLD instead of WAR, and gotten a steady group (as opposed to all the in-guild group drama bullshit that went on), my guess is that you'd still be playing the game actively. Personally, I think you should give the game a shot again come 2.2. Lots of new content to see + getting groups is substantially easier now.
Maybe. But between them not accepting various payment methods, the stupid input lag that was doubly worse playing from Japan, and the boredom I experienced on the free weekend, I doubt I would still be playing in any case