well what i meant is that once the xpac is released in games like WoW current gear becomes pretty much obsolete(in the first few levels par exceptions), yeah having ilvl 700+ mythic in WoW then going into an expac gives you a tiny edge in leveling but more so the playing field has been swept clean and everyone is again starting from scratch.You can queue as 24man. No one does cause it's shit content anyway, but we did a 24man WoD when it was released.
And Tecknoe, you don't need raiding gear for shit. You might as well gear yourself, but if you have the gear to do steps, you have the gear for the expansion. Getting raid gear basically gives you gear a bit higher level, it's the same as wow, your raiding gear is like +5level but you can just play some random shit geared char and get quest rewards which are good for the leveling part.
looking at kriptini's guide, that seems crazy i need to do all that to be expac ready? just being lvl 50 should allow me to access whatever is going on and continue to level for the expac.