Ok.....so what's the deal with some of the "extreme" or more challenging duties. In my case, specifically Uths Fount(sp?)
So I got the duty to do this at some point at level 50 with no ironworks gear. Obviously didn't know mechanics and was way undergeared(what ilevel is this tuned for anyway?) and got curb stomped. FFXIV almost does new players a disservice because up to a certain point everything is just steamrolled or burned. You don't need to learn any mechanics. It's just avoid and burn. This was my first duty where that didn't work.
I play as scholar:
Anyway after being completely curb stomped in this duty and upgrading my computer(BTW, HUGE difference in avoiding shit. I literally have almost 1-2 more seconds to get out of crap. I could NEVER avoid shit before in the bigger raids because by the time I saw the circle or graphic I was almost being hit. Yet the game didn't appear to lag, it just delay) I am now making better progress. Since avoiding shit is so much easier and I've tried this fucking thing at least 50 times I've learned the mechanics. I can pre-dodge, I know when to shield or debuff during certain moves etc. Basically I know the fight and do so much better at my job during it and can keep even shitty people alive, also gear helps. Now with more regularity I can hit the final phase where he goes into the insta-death cast but I am never, repeat never, in a group that can kill him. Simply not enough DPS. I imagine it's a mix of players in the raid like I was when I first started, under-geared and not experienced with the fight, or just generally shitty players. I finally gave up on queuing for it.
So what is this supposed to be tuned for? How the fuck do you beat this thing? Are there any guilds recruiting, I'll switch to whatever server. I have a feeling I will want to do more of this type of content now that I've milked everything else in the game.
Side note: I background leveled a WHM and holy fuck what a difference in healing. I still main the scholar which is generally easier in the 5 man dungeons but the WHM just outheals the scholar by a fucking ton in the raids, and due to all the traits or whatever seems to have WAY less mana problems. I can pretty much single heal any of the tougher content I've done with a WHM. Such a different feel.