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Tanks crying at the moment just makes me laugh.
Before the patch :
Tanks : "Without STR accessories and the DPS loss from the change we won't generate enough enmity to keep aggro!"
Patch : "Increases tank enmity"
Tanks : " We don't care about enmity, tanks are boring to play we want moar DPS!"
Go play DPS if you want to DPS and stop being a little bitch god damn it.
I really hope YoshiP stands fast on the decision that tank are not supposed to be pseudo-DPS.
Yeah, I'm guilty of wearing STR accessories sometimes just to appease whining min/maxers, but I can't stand this mindset on tanks in this game.
Tanks in every game have done subpar dps, why the fuck do people in this game think it's ok to sacrifice survivability all for a mediocre dps increase from a job that ISN'T MEANT TO DO DPS? It boggles my mind. I can't even stand stance dancing as a Paladin - why take 20% more damage all the time just so you can get a shitty dmg proc off your auto-attacks? But when in Rome...
I'd rather have high suvivability and be dead last in dps any day of the week.