Yea, I saw something mentioned in BLM thread over at FFXIV forums. Guy said using B4 was a dps loss.
On a side note, when are BLM supposed to use AOE? I've always done it with 3 or more enemies, but read in that same thread that it's 4 or more enemies.
From what I remember reading, Fire II is only worth at 5targets or more, lower than that you're better off using Fire IV single target instead. However, on the 3rd umbral, use Flare then Flare again, this is worth using on 3+, although often if there's only 3 targets and the other DPS is singling one out, it'll be mostly dead by the time you hit flares so might not be worth at that point. Mostly from what I've seen the aoe is mostly about hitting double/triple flares(when convert is up), thunder IV and foul, and the old fire 2 spam is pretty inefficient. The other spells melt shit anyway and if there's enough mobs you spend the entire time spamming thunder IV from procs.
The class is in a weird spot because Fire IV damage is way lower than it should be considering how much trouble it is to maintain. It's not crazy hard or anything, but the requirements are still higher and it's very easy to drop if you move(or well not drop enochian, but you have to transpose or blizzard III early cause faster cast time, and that fucks your damage a ton). Meanwhile the damage you get in return is barely higher than the 2.0 rotation, and it's about the same as RDM and SMN, both of whom have much better support abilities. RDM has physical class damage buff and instant rez on demand, SMN has magic vuln debuff, some increase dmg/heal potency shit buff that I didn't even know they had until someone cast it earlier on me and swiftcast rez. BLM gets to sit in aoes and hope the healers don't mind so you can try to do the same damage.
Spent about 6hours today catching up on crafting quests, fuck there was a lot of it, and that was a lot of running around and teleporting. Made a macro to change class to bard and use peloton because of the shit sprint cd and all the running around. Some of these quests were really nice story though and now I'm mostly caught up, only craft I haven't done HW quests for is CUL, and only classes I haven't finished SB quests for are the ones not capped yet(ALC/GSM/ARM, should get them to cap tomorrow or so I have enough leves still). Sure fucking glad I didn't sell my HW mats retainer shit when I was clearing retainers, I didn't even think about the class quests but damn there would have been a lot of mats to buy otherwise and most of them are stupidly expensive now. In the end the only annoying mats where the aethersand, I had to go and collect them cause AH prices were like 40k each and only in stacks of 40 and I needed 4. Oh and whoever thought the SB craft quests should just give you mats like moogle/ixal is a fucking saint, shit's so much nicer.