I've seen the enrage 5 times now.If you do the lighnings and don't cloud the raid, how can you lose on Susano? Lakshmi on the other hand people have trouble not getting 2nd on aggro list, positioning cross beams, hitting vril on two abilities in a row, not killing adds right after the vril buff jumps, pairing off during charm, etc.
Probably, it's the same as HW pretty much, make sure to get all the ones with the compass thing as you level up(some zones are MSQ locked to a higher level, similar to Sea of Clouds in HW), and do the sidequests that reward them, so you unlock flight asap. But it's basically the same as what you should have been doing in HW so nothing really important there.
Also unlike HW, you can level to cap mostly on MSQ, at least when I leveled I didn't touch any sidequests. I had rested xp the whole way though but still shouldn't be that far, and that was with like one dungeon run every time cause long queues as DPS. Talking of dungeons, the one thing you might miss is the 63 dungeon. It's not part of the MSQ, it has its own sidequests in the Ruby Sea. Once you unlock the underwater stuff there as part of the MSQ you can get the quest I think, it's in Sui-no-sato. Other than that it's basically more of the same.
Crafting is its own thing, you don't need any of them, and if you want one of them, you'll want all of them(to like various levels for cross class skills but to cap for materials from various crafts used in other crafts). For raiding you'd want food and potions but the time and money invested to craft them yourself could pay for your mats for a long ass time. You can check it out but it's not wow crafting where you go from 0 to cap in 2hours and shit, it's a long process(or well kinda long depending on the depths of your pockets, since you can throw money at it and cap it in a couple of hours in theory).Should I bother with crafting stuff at all right now? I don't know if maybe something like alchemist makes a huge difference but I don't need the others except for making gil or something.
Also, what should I save vs. throw out? I see the glamour system (which I haven't used at all yet but I've unlocked) seems to be like old WoW xmog so you need to save the items, I'm not sure what you can and can't get back later on.
So is there a reason to keep all of these crafting mats I have banked. I have two retainers full of miscellaneous trash like skins and horns and rocks and shit. I'm guessing none of it is actually rare.
The way the dungeons for the two expansions are designed, on odd levels you get a chain bonus which is worth a lot of extra experience but you do not get this bonus for even levels. So when you unlock a new dungeon run it 3 times for a full level. On even levels do MSQ, Leveling Roulette, and Trial roulette. Do sidequests/fates if waiting in queue. The 50/60 roulette isn't worth the time investment really unless you're just really sick of doing other methods. Abusing the chain bonus is the key to leveling fast as it allows for more MSQ experience on even levels. Here is some of the math and the strategy I used to be first day 70 on launch day, under 20 hours.
MSQ Experience Gained/Exp needed to level:
60-61: 3,682,000/4,873,000
61-62: 2,457,000/5,316,000
62-63: 2,019,600/5,809,000
63-64: 1,533,600/6,364,000
64-65: 1,998,000/6,995,000
65-66: 2,079,000/7,722,000
66-67: 2,116,000/8,575,000
67-68: 3,585,600/9,593,000
68-69: 2,322,000/10,826,000
69-70: 1,922,400/12,310,000
Suggested Method: (Non MSQ-Roullete methods in order of efficiency, Highest level dungeon/frontlines/potd 51-60/SB hunt quests/fates/HW Beast Tribe quests/sidequests.)
60-61: Do the main story quests, and then you'll get the remaining 1.2 million from Leveling and trial roulette.
61-62: Do the first dungeon, 3-4 runs maximum for a full level. Use challenge log experience here if possible.
62-63: Do the 61 and 62 MSQ chains, you'll have 1.3m experience left at worst.
63-64: Unlock the optional dungeon in Ruby Sea and do 3-4 runs for a full level.
64-65: Do the 63 and 64 MSQ chains, you will have 3.46m to make up at worst. Use the list from above for efficiency, use roullete(s) if they have reset.
65-66: Do the level 65 dungeon 3-4 times for a full level.
66-67: Do the level 65 and 66 quests, you will have 4.28m to make up at worst.
67-68: Do the level 67 dungeon 3-4 times for a full level.
68-69: Do the 67 and 68 MSQ chains, you will have 4.91m to make up for at worst.
69-70: Do the level 69 dungeon 3-4 times and ding 70. Do the MSQ quests between queues.
*If you are a tank or healer you can add the Main Story Roulette to the list of dailies.
**Only do sidequests if you have unlocked flying in the zone you are questing.
So I tried to do this, just hit 68 but did all the MSQs in 67 in 67 instead of waiting. Is it worth spamming Doma Castle again or no because it's not an odd level? Maybe I'm missing what that 'chain bonus' thing is with the dungeons.
The description of the item says what they're for. Like Cranks say: "Can be traded for special arm gear". Shafts say Body and so on. But yeah they do have a ton of currency and shit systems to trade. I guess they don't want stuff like "glove token" to drop so they give them weird names and lore friendly ways they get converted and shit like that. They also always have these upgrading systems where you can drop one tier but also drop an item that upgrades it to +10ilvl and such.Is there any logical reason they make raid loot so overly confusing?? I spent 2 hours last night getting parts for gloves I already got last week.... I know i'm an idiot and I fucked up but why can't the parts just be named after the piece they make. If its like HW, its only gonna get more and more confusing when savage starts. You need currency to get currency to get currency, like really?