The unconfirmed and probably fake leak said there'd be 3 classes, Blue Mage, Dancer and a Gunblade class, which would split well into tank/healer/DPS. That said it looked a lot like wishful thinking list, just the fact there's 3 classes seems unlikely, and the leak also said shit about adding Vierra and what not so meh.Dancer wouldn't surprise me if they use same gear as MNK/SAM. Blue Mage could be literally anything, though. Might be cool if they go the tank route.
If they do the expansion reveal at the Las Vegas fanfest and reveal the Blue Mage in the expansion movie, crowd will go nuts. Most logical way to show it would be guy fighting some monster, monster uses some skill against the guy, guy gives some "lol you dun fucked up" smile to the monster, then uses the same skill on the monster. Crowd would shit themselves. Especially if they were using a gunblade as the weapon, because it would be a bigger surprise (some people think gunblade might be a dif class, but it is just as likely they'll give it to blue mage since that class has never had a consistent weapon in any FF games and it would tie in nicely with the Empire).
Yeah one thing is the spec do share some animations, so they reduce the amount of work needed for "classes", and they also don't have to make one set of gear every patch for every sub spec(at least I don't think they do? Or like just recolors of the same set depending on the spec it's for). So classes in XIV do involve more work still than just wow specs do, but they're less than half of them so in terms of balancing for example it's still probably easier.That is a good way of framing it. The specs for WoW classes make them play like completely different classes in a manner of speaking.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think they definitely have upped the ante and the writing quality in terms of plotlines this expansion. The end of 4.4's MSQ made my head explode.
When are you thrilled about anything that doesn't involve ERP? =pI wasn't nearly as thrilled. Same shit, different patch cycle.
When are you thrilled about anything that doesn't involve ERP? =p
So is this worth playing? How was this latest expansion? I am super burned out on WoW at the moment and need some alternative in my free-time(my game library is also boring me).