Blackwing Lair Raider
- 1,497
- 1,549
The Alphascape bosses are cool, but aside from that there is basically nothing in this patch for non-raiders.
Well... do you like single player games? Because at this point, FFXIV is a single player game with a chat lobby. While it has endgame raids that are very good (and a new tier of raids were just released today), everything else is pretty brainless and is completed either solo or with dungeon finder randoms that might as well be robots. If you were to start the game now, at level 1, you have hundreds of hours of single-player content to slog through (and most of it is a slog) before you can get to endgame, which is the only place where the multiplayer aspect of this game really comes into play. You can buy a level skip and story skip potion (both of which I'd highly recommend, because while the story has some good points it is overall nothing special) and that will lessen the amount of single-player you have to do to maybe 20-30 hours, if you're like me and prefer to play MMOs for the multiplayer aspect.
I guess if I were to throw out some random other bullet points:
- Everything pre-level cap sucks. Pretty much everything post-level cap is high-quality, at least for MMORPG standards. At level cap, combat for all the classes is very fluid and engaging, and the higher difficulty fights are challenging without being bullshit. I have enjoyed combat in this MMORPG immensely.
- Devs spend a lot of time working on terrible shit that nobody cares about. Even though we get a patch with new things to do every three months, very little of it will actually last you three months. This is the kind of game where once you are in endgame, you are subbed for maybe 1/3 of the year and the other 2/3rds you are playing something else.
- Crafting can be difficult to get into late in an expansion cycle. It's also very time-consuming, as it requires leveling all crafting classes for important cross-class skills. It's really cool if you like crafting in MMOs, but unless you plan on buying a bunch of Gil from PlayerAuctions or something, you probably wouldn't be able to hit "endgame" level until the start of the next expansion.
- Housing system is cool.
Thanks for the feedback. Is the leveling from 50 to 70 particularly slow or is it just the MSQ that forces you to drag ass through everything?