Yeah I did similar stuff when I leveled all classes to 70, although sometimes you get "fucked" because of an early queue pop, I remember it happened every now and then on those stupid mount quests in Dravanian Highlands, queue pops halfway, then you come out of the dungeon without the quest mount so you have to fly back to the beast tribe village, grab another and redo the quest. But overall it wasn't so bad at all yeah, there's a fair amount of content to do inbetween.DPS queues are fine if you time them along with other dailies like beast tribes and hunting logs.
As a DPS, my leveling day goes like this:
Queue up for a leveling roulette
-do daily beast tribes
-hunt my hunting log marks
Get my dungeon and finish it
Queue up for another relevant roulette (50/60/msq/alliance/trial)
-finish off anything I hadn't done earlier
-level up miner or something
I find that grouping it efficiently like that keeps you leveling up and constantly doing stuff, earning currency/beast tribe exp whilst waiting for the leveling roulette. The daily beast tribe quests (60 and 70 specifically) are really fast and give really good exp, as well as giving unique mounts, minions and glamours when you level them up. Hunting marks are easy too with This tool and they give you currency you can exchange for decent gear.
So yeah, make sure you do those other things and you'll find it easy to level up 50-70.
Yeah Steam prices are pretty bad for this, and they get sales a lot less often. And if you want to pick a new expansion when it comes out, you can buy non Steam on sites like GMG for 15-25% off while Steam is always full price. Only reason to use Steam is if you have a lot of steam bucks to burn to pay with or issues to pay through the mogstation so you can pay with steam cards instead(a bunch of SEA and eastern european countries for example).It turns out that upgrading my original ARR Steam version, is the same $AU as buying the Complete Edition (including 30 days) from the local EB Games store. Easy decision.
Omega fight where people don't know what starboard larboard mean is a pug killer.
Left and right bro.
On my journey to 50 is there anything I should be doing that I might forget - for instance, are there class quests I should be doing? Anything with the GC?
Given Blizzard's direction in BfA right now, I'm tempted to give this another crack.
Loaded up the trial, and 220~250 ping to NA servers (from Oz) is kind of depressing after dealing with it for years in WoW prior to local servers. =(
Try a ping booster service like Mudfish or WTFast. They both have free trials and I think they have really cheap plans too, something like 99 cents a month. I play a Chinese MMO on the side where my ping is normally 700 but with a ping booster it cuts down to 250. Those services work great and if you can get your ping down to even 150 it will be a massive difference.
Well I'm back in. Going to boost a Warrior to 60, and then unlock Red Mage and Samurai straight away. Really looking forward to trying out the Red Mage in particular, looks tasty.
I'm TORN on which MSQ skip potion to use though; just can't make up my damned mind whether to skip Heavensward story and go straight to Stormblood or not. Most of the feedback seems to suggest HW is so much better than the ARR Story... and then others say it's just another slog, not worth the time anymore, and SB is the go... lol!
Weird fucking position to be in, I just can't decide how much of a hurry I'm really in to get to the endgame. WTF! Think I'll have to sleep on it.![]()
If you are starting a new character I would recommend picking one of preferred realms listed here; Regarding Character Creation Restrictions and Statuses of Congested/Preferred Worlds | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
By creating a character on a preferred world, you get the "Road to 60" buff which gives you 100% bonus exp 1-60 on all jobs. This stacks with the armory bonus as well. The first time you get a character from 1-30 on a preferred world you get 1,000,000 gil and 15 days free playtime. You keep the Road to 60 buff for a minimum of 90 days from character creation, if it goes beyond 90 days you lose it when the server you are on loses preferred status. The only stipulation is that your character is locked from transfer for 90 days. Make sure to pick a preferred server that is on the datacenter you wish to play on.
I wouldn't skip HW, it's kind of a waste, and you can use the base story to level up at least. Problem if you skip it and then want to do it later, is you'd have to roll a fresh character and go through vanilla MSQ again, which is a pain in the ass especially since you've already done it.
Also while HW will take some time, it won't take that much(a lot less fillers and shit in 3.1 to 3.5 compared to vanilla), and you'll get xp past 60 which should help evening out the 60-70leveling without having to do as much side content/dungeons, so you're not really losing that much, I think(xp from MSQ past cap isn't great though iirc).
Also worth noting in terms of rushing to cap, there's no real hurry anymore. We're approaching the end of this expansion cycle, the current endgame is going to be the same endgame for the next 9months or so, unless they decide to do something drastically different than usual with the expansion. Basically we're on 4.4 which saw the 3rd and last part of the current 8man raid cycle(the hard stuff with the good gear) and the switch to final tomes. The main things coming still are more Eureka for the quest weapon upgrades, and in 4.5 they'll add the 3rd and last 24man dungeon in the current expansion cycle which will drop gear equivalent to the current weekly capped gear(with upgrades) and the current raid gear. They'll have more eureka in this patch to upgrade the weapon even further, but that's it after this, only things left are story patches to lead into 5.0 and uncapping various stuff to make it easier to catch up, but the max ilvl in the current patch and the max ilvl before next expansion are the same, whatever current raid gear is.
Because of this, there's really no hurry to reach the cap unless you can't afford to sub another month or whatever. None of the current content will be outdated until next expansion and people will keep doing it constantly for the next many months.
Well the thing is, it's XIV, everything is gated behind the stories anyway. If you don't like HW, you're not gonna like SB either, but you'll have to do all the SB story to get access to most content. I guess you "only" have to finish the 4.0 story to get access to 8man raids but a bunch of the 4man and primals are gated behind the MSQ too, so you'll have to run it for that.Compelling arguments indeed! Really appreciate the back and forth.
Probably the final thing that bothers me is that SB won't be available to start until I fully finish HW. I'll be really annoyed if I don't enjoy it and then feel cock-blocked by the gating. Yeah, first world problems! I really do enjoy a good story though, and you're right, I won't get to do it again... Anyway, enough of this nonsense. Thanks for the advice. =)
Also for grand company, what you want to do is roll greed on all dungeon gear then submit it to your grand company delivery dude for seals. You'll be able to make a lot of money and rank quickly that way, and for some reason people let dungeon gear drop to the floor so you can always get a lot of it.
I don't think this feature is unlocked at the start though, it's called "expert delivery" so keep an eye out for when you unlock it.
Try a ping booster service like Mudfish or WTFast. They both have free trials and I think they have really cheap plans too, something like 99 cents a month. I play a Chinese MMO on the side where my ping is normally 700 but with a ping booster it cuts down to 250. Those services work great and if you can get your ping down to even 150 it will be a massive difference.
Yeah those tend to be pretty good for AU/NZ play but also in general when playing mmos because you never know when some fuckers will decide to not repair lines or route everyone in the evening through the same shit and basically make it unplayable. I'd say in modern times, having a VPN available is almost a requirement to play mmos. Don't need it all the time, so my solution was to use one that sells bandwith rather than have a monthly payment and it works great since gaming takes so little bandwith. Obviously in your case it's a more permanent thing so makes more sense to go with a montly plan, I only use mine when I'm getting packet loss/lags, especially when it's during the evening since I know it's just routing garbage. Can also use it for downloading torrents "safely" although in this case you want to use more specific VPNs, most of the gaming ones save info on traffic and shit so it wouldn't really help.Well I gave your suggestion some more thought, and after reading up on a ton of user feedback I decided to give Mudfish a try.
Really surprised; it's consistently knocking ~50ms off my ping, so I'm down to a steady ~ 170ms now. The built in graph also appears to be telling the truth, as it's producing the same latency numbers to the FFXIV servers that I'm seeing in Win10 Resource Monitor.
Very impressed I must say, and cheap as dirt to run. Thanks again!