Oh don't get me wrong, the housing system is amazing and non instanced housing is awesome and every MMO should have it. The issue with me has always been the management of it. I play on Gilga, which is super high pop. From ARR to Stormblood there were no house plots available. People would sell them (relinquish their plots) for like 20 million or some stupid amount. The day they did finally add more housing wards, I knew multiple people that got on early and bought multiple plots. They were all bought within minutes. That was shit management letting people buy more than one. I think they fixed that finally but not sure.
Eventually during HW, I was able to pay someone like 15m to relinquish a small plot, and I got a house and was so happy. I got burnt out on FFXIV after a few months, so went to another MMO for a bit. I came back and the fucking thing was gone. I knew it would happen but it still pissed me off. Relinquishing is a good bandaid, because like you said no one should have a house for 5 years if it's keeping a new player from getting one. But I also think that 45 days is too little. At least on this forum, how many of us hop MMO to MMO every few months. Going 2 months without playing is pretty common I think. It would be nice if they gave us 6 months or something. But realistically here, they should just have more wards.