Every class is terrible pre-70. The devs make the leveling experience even worse with every expansion as they gut more abilities or restrict cool job systems until higher levels.
Some classes build better earlier though. I mean Dragoon until like 26 you can just spam Impulse Drive the entire time. I think they buffed the 2nd step of the chain so it's like 5potency more to do vorpal combo instead of just impulse drive spam, but like, 5potency? Also Impulse drive is fucking useless because you don't get Disembowel or whatever until like, 40? The class would be a lot more logical if you had the full vorpal > true thrust combo chain, and then they gave you the 2nd combo chain later. It just makes no sense to not change the skills around. It's like how Paladin gets Savage and Riot Blade early, but don't get Halone until 26, so you only do 2 step combos until then, and then you just do Halone spam only because Riot Blade is worthless until HW anyway.
Part of the problem is when they pruned abilities, they basically almost only pruned 1-50 because 50-60skills are tied to HW quests, but the result is 1-50 is bare as fuck. They should have moved some HW quest skills into 1-50. It's fine, in SB you don't get skills for class quests either until the 70 one, so it's not like you HAVE to get your 5skills every 2levels in HW, could be 3skills over those 10levels and 2 earlier to make the classes not feel like shit.
Giving random step shit works fine for a class like Monk where the skills are interchangeable, and even there they give you 1-2-3 combos within the first 10levels, but for other classes it's just dumb. Ninja is the same Aeolian is 26 so you do 1-2 the entire time, but at least you have some oGCDs at low level to mix it up. Dragoon get their oGCD as part of the Dragoon quests, which is fine it's thematic and all, Lancers shouldn't get jump, but they should get better shit at low lvl. Just swap Impulse Drive and True Thrust and it'd make the class better right away.
At least it's pretty short now. While some classes got a bunch of stuff removed, some classes were just bad in 2.0 too early on like Lancer, and it was a lot slower back then.