Been doing my best to get caught up in Eureka, blitzed through Pagos in ~2 days riding the NM trains as hard as we could. I assume the best path is to level through all the way to 60 in Hydatos while completing 1 relic along the way (since it seems to pace itself out that way). Any tips for Pyros or is it full steam NM train all the way?
When you get into Pyros, make sure to take a good look at the logogram system. There is a logogram called reflect, it reflects magic attacks only back at opponents. You want to be 35-36, and pulling elemental sprites 7-8 levels higher than your current level. During heat wave weather, near the southern aetheryte you can farm fire sprites till about 38ish. Stay here if the weather remains heat wave, if not move to the middle aethertye and farm the 45 sprites. At level 40 head to the northwest aethertye there are mobbs called white flame, about 20 of them, you can go 40-48 in about 40 mins using reflect here. 48-50 finally join the train unlock the weapon start farming light.
36-38: Reflect fire sprites near southern aetheryte.
38-40: Reflect wind sprites near middle aetheryte.
40-48: Reflect mass pull white flame at northwest aetheryte.
48-50: NM train, farm light for weapon after 50.
While waiting for the right weather, do nm's you can safely get too. Use the weather watcher in game, or use something like garland tools. You can be max level in a few hours, and out of there in a day by abusing reflect.
*Note if you want to reflect kill faster, do it on a job that is below level 70, and do it without gear, it reflects more damage and leads to faster kills.