Just running ventures makes a lot of money at launch shit's pretty crazy, especially if you play a lot(or at least can refresh ventures often). Gathering is also really good at that point still, just gathering normal mats is surprisingly good money because you can get a ton, NQs sell super fast to crafter leveling(as long as you get stuff that goes into leves, obviously) and since most gatherers level with collectibles/leves, they don't actually get mats to sell. Fishing was also a big money maker in 4.0, at least for a good while. But then again in 4.0 you could also make money running the leveling roulette or hunts, from all the materia selling. I don't expect it'll be this good again however, they added a ton of ways to get materias and assuming they updated them right away, I don't think we'll go back to making 100k+ per leveling roulette anymore.
My expansion preparations are pretty much done, only things I have left is to keep capping genesis for a few more weeks to finish buying the full scaevan set for Dancer, which really isn't necessary with it going to poetics but might as well I figure, and I want to fish a few more things for GC turn ins.
The crafting side is done, I took 16 of the current lvl58 leves and crafted all the items for them to turn in as soon as the game goes up, then crafted enough for 6 more leves in case the new leve NPC isn't unlocked right away and I need to burn some leves before refresh(kinda like how the leves in Stormblood were in Kugane, but we got stuck on Raubahn so couldn't get there for a while). Also crafted one of each GC turn in, I figure I'll just sell the ones I don't need. Readied a solid amount of SB materials for any additional crafts too and I'll dump it all after once we get the new mats. Got 9999 of all crystals on a retainer and 9k+ on me, 2k+ clusters, still 5k+ shards from SB launch since these don't really get used anymore. Bunch of materias, but not that many compared to other people, just some to get started. Gathering just made sure to have 50-90 HQ of all the GC turn ins, these will sell well anyway later on so it's a good investment.
Combat stuff I got 30 normal 68-69 sidequests to turn in(I ended up never doing them at SB launch and figured I'd just keep them for next expansion, the time is now), 99 shoushka or whatever that stupid food is, lvl 60 tank and archer Shire augmented set with the mats to make the 2 weapons, lvl 67 dungeon archer set(other than weapon but with the guaranteed drop that means it'd drop 100% of the time on first run), leveled my HoH armor/weapon thing too in case I want to solo or whatever and just so I can clear a bit faster, bunch of chocobo food+buff food, bunch of V and VI combat materias in advance with everything already melded.
Not much left to do basically, just need the expansion to come now. For now I restarted my other account with the free login campaign, this time I made sure to friend my other account in case I want to use a callback campaign and I started doing Heavensward again since it was free and it's been so long. Although I had to first do the FFXV event shit, figure I might as well get the car while it's available. Just need to get some MGP before the event ends but should be np.