I need to change how I'm playing until the expansion because I'm burning out on crafting/gathering.
I've been trying to get caught up with crafting and gathering for Shadowbringers. I know I wouldn't have time to level all of them to 70, but I still spent 90% of my play time crafting and gathering but it's taking it's toll on me.
I'm easily going to have all 3 gathering skills at 70, Fishing is 70 already and mining and botanist are 68 each, so this is going to be easy. My 3 gathering retainers will also easily make it to 70 as they are 65-66 now.
Crafters are another story, I got all of them at 51, with Carpenter at 70, Culinarian at 60, and Weaver at 58.
It's going to be a bit more relaxed now just by the fact that doing the Ixtal quest is no longer needed as they aren't good for 50+. So it's mostly going to be Moogle and Namazu quests and the weekly Custom Deliveries.
Dropping 6 daily Ixtal is really going to free some time, as they were a bit time consuming compared to the Moogle and Namazu quests.
I'll probably limit myself the FC dailies that have a Bonus for double XP for now too.
I'm not sure which profession I want to try and focus on, soon the Weaver will be done with Moogle quest and move to Namazu. Not sure which of the others I'll start on Moogle quest next. Looks like Goldsmith makes a lot of furniture too, so might do that one.
I think that will allow me to have Carpenter, Weaver, Goldsmith and maybe 1 other at 70 for Shadowbringers with the other in the mid 50's.
This will free up some time, so I can do other activities. I want to kill some stuff. Probably use the 6 daily Ixtal quest I did for crafting to level up Kojin and Ananta, and use that to level my Paladin.
I still have so much to do and it should be a bit more fun this way, and make sure I don't burn out before expansion.
It's almost as frustrating having too much stuff to do, as it is to not having anything to do in other games.