Yeah I didn't think they'd make the aoes free too, I assumed there would be some sort of mp cost and you'd have to use generic regen abilities to aoe, but basically now you can always aoe for free AND they gave a ton of new aoes. Also on melee classes the new/old aoes refresh your buffs, so you don't get fucked. NIN new aoe refreshes Huton, SAM normal aoes refresh both Shifu and Jinpu, the new MNK aoe refreshes Twin Snakes etc.
Another thing I hadn't noticed in the DNC preview, Technical Steps is a party buff, not just a dance partner buff. That means every 2mins, not only do you get the 1500potency nuke(with a 7secs cast time mind you), you also get 5% damage to the whole party AND the whole party generates Esprit gauge for you with their weapon skills, so you're gonna be spamming that Esprit dump which apparently does 500potency a GCD(and is also aoe), similar to Brotherhood spam on MNK.
The PLD changes look neat. Instant cast spells when you Requiescat and a bunch of ways to get mp back too, 6s block sheltron, can finally stance dance without a penalty like before, has a charge, aoe melee combo AND aoe spell combo, going to be so smooth to play now and it doesn't seem they removed the utility. I'll see if there's a full detailed list of traits and stuff but it looks like you'll still be able to spam Clemency, then dump Sword Oath stacks to get mp back and spam it some more, like you can currently on live(maybe even better), so that's great I was scared you'd only be able to heal like once every 30secs or whatever.