Trakanon Raider
- 2,898
- 962
Anyone recommend a good primer / blog for shit not to miss as a total noobie? I have heard you can gimp yourself if you pass over some game stuff and their is no notice saying **DO THIS IT IS IMPORTANT**

Anyone recommend a good primer / blog for shit not to miss as a total noobie? I have heard you can gimp yourself if you pass over some game stuff and their is no notice saying **DO THIS IT IS IMPORTANT**
Guide2 questions...
Anyone recommend a late night server? I am a night shift nurse that works weekends so I tend to play 7pm to 7am mon - thurs.
Anyone recommend a good primer / blog for shit not to miss as a total noobie? I have heard you can gimp yourself if you pass over some game stuff and their is no notice saying **DO THIS IT IS IMPORTANT**
Much thanks
1am (PST) Void Ark blind runs, naturally. Anything else is beneath you!so am stuck in a 20 hour layover in hongkong while traveling and will be on patch day. go out and explore the city or hole up with some wifi and get in on some airship bs. decisions decisions
Nice! Better resub before they pander to the crying masses and nerf the fun out of them.Gonna warn y'all right now, don't PuG the new expert dungeons. Pharos Sirius HM actually has DPS checks.
Yep, you have to get through 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.55 to access Heavensward. Basically every major content patch.I started this up about a week ago, and first off, if anyone is in need of the base game or the expansion, GreenManGaming has a 20% off sale. I picked up Heavensward for a smooth $32.
Highest I ever got was 27, and I've plowed through up to 49 on my Warrior with the full intention of going DRK asap. I just completed Cape Westwind (Trial) and did the remaining story quest up til the guy has a red quest icon requiring lvl 50. Only then did I hit up a website to see the access quest for Ishgard, and when I started clicking the "this quest requires ______ quest" it just never ended...I must have gone through at least 50. All level 50 MSQ and all stemmed from that original. Is that right? Do fresh level 50s have a metric shit ton of quests to slog through before accessing the new classes?