<Fires of Heaven> WoW Guild - [Horde] [Hyjal-US]


<WoW Guild Officer>
Haven't read most of the thread, but how does it work for joining with the forum guild? Dunno if I'll be casual, or semi-active raider type if that matters. Not a big deal to me, but if I do start up I'll probably go warlock, mage, or rogue this time around. Tired of being a tank. Don't care the faction or server, has monies to move/faction change if needed.

Figure it may enchance my forum experience if I play with a few of yas. Not a poopsocker anymore, just a heads up.
Join us! No requirements to raid or anything.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Dunt be a faget
Nah pretty laid back, more so than I am on forums even.
Join us! No requirements to raid or anything.
Perfect for me then.
We're a casual guild first and foremost, anyone is welcome
Just looking to have a decent amount of people to party/raid with if the opportunity comes up, solo all the time sucks. Can even be convinced to pvp although I probably suck at it. Just have to decide on warlock, mage or rogue, and commit to one.


A Mod Real Quick
I mean right now we have about 50 or more in during prime time levelling, doing norms, doing heroics, some gearing for raids. You'll fit right in. No requirement to raid or be hardcore. Anyone in the guild can invite, just do a /who Fires of Heaven
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Got all installed. Didn't bother doing a server transfer, just did the free level 100 and sold a token for starter cash.

Now I gotta spend a day being OCD and getting my interface right.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The guild really is a blast, good people, the group runs are always solid, definitely making the game more enjoyable then it already is. (dojo)
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Reactions: 1 user


Molten Core Raider
What's the word on cross realm folks who aren't guided raiding with you all? Current ilvl is 348 Rogue Sin.


I was Else the Ret/Holy and occasional Prot Pally in WoD. Looking forward to the minivan raids again, those were really fun while they lasted. I decided to try a shaman this expansion as I have not played one before. I'm a little behind due to being on vacation when Legion launched and just hit 110 last evening. I play with my husband Zalere (resto druid) so if anyone needs a healer and DPS for any content we're eligible for we are happy to help!

I was on the Mumble from the guild info and no one was there, are we using a different voice chat?

Character Name(s): Elegba
Character Class(es): Enhancement/Resto Shaman
Primary Role(s): DPS
Secondary Role(s): Healer
Primary Tradeskills: Skinning/Leatherworking
Interested in being Leader (y/n): No, I already have 1 full-time job. :)
Interested in being Officer (y/n): Maybe
Interested in Raid Leading (y/n): Maybe as a DPS cheerleader of sorts as I get rather competitive on DPS. I do always upload/analyze raid logs for the raids.
Primary Raid Days/Times (ex. Fri 8pm EST until 11pm EST): Prefer Mon-Fri evenings and/or Sat morning/evenings, no Sunday evenings
Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/hyjal/Elegba/simple


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Character Name(s): Muurlat
Character Class(es): Warrior
Primary Role(s): DPS
Secondary Role(s): Tank
Primary Tradeskills: TBD
Interested in being Leader (y/n): n
Interested in being Officer (y/n):n
Interested in Raid Leading (y/n): n
Primary Raid Days/Times (ex. Fri 8pm EST until 11pm EST): TBD
Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/hyjal/Muurloen/simple
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So how many retards are we throwing at bosses on Tuesday? I'd like to prepare my anus in advance. IMO we should just recruit paladins too bubble these bosses to death.


Trakanon Raider
So how many retards are we throwing at bosses on Tuesday? I'd like to prepare my anus in advance. IMO we should just recruit paladins too bubble these bosses to death.

I'm seeing 40-50 on pretty often. All may not be interested in raiding, but I wouldn't surprised if we could take a full 30 for the first couple.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If I were to buy Legion and use the 100 level boost, how many hours would I have to put in before being ready to raid?