Use an ez out or drill the bolt out and re-tap.No, I've gotta buy a new one. I know how it fix it, it's just not fixable. I think my stepdad fixed it once before he left, and stripped the head of the bolt required to get the clutch off to change the starter recoil.
My dad has an old Ryan from the late 70's. Damn thing will not die and it's nearing 40 years old. Tried replacing it at least twice with newer Craftsman and a Ryobi, survived them both. Certainly outlasted the Evinrude outboard of the same era built by the same people IIRC...You could try an ezout.
What kind you gettin? I just bought a stihl fs56, can't complain but my lovely fiance is always fucking up the autofeed string head.
At my dad's we would do leftover nights and only eat leftovers. The variety could be epic. Of course he has 3 fridges, so we built up a stash.My wife keeps buying too much food that needs refrigeration. I had to put a box of berries on top of a bunch of other crap just to get it in there. So frustrating. The pantry is even worse. Also she cooks almost every day so the leftovers rarely get eaten. For a lot of stuff leftovers are the best part.
McCheese would not have this problem.My wife keeps buying too much food that needs refrigeration. I had to put a box of berries on top of a bunch of other crap just to get it in there. So frustrating. The pantry is even worse. Also she cooks almost every day so the leftovers rarely get eaten. For a lot of stuff leftovers are the best part.
Here's how we know you're making the story up. Everybody on this forum knows you don't interact socially with other human beings who aren't your mother.My neighbor fixes luxury boat engines for a living, so we tried everything.