Not sure where this belongs, but this seemed like a good enough place.
Apparently there is a subset of porn where an assailant drugs an unsuspecting woman (all fake I'm assuming, but in Russia who knows!) and then has his way with her. That's weird/creepy enough, right? But there is a sub-subset of that porn where the dudes don't even rape them, they just carry them around and lay them out and pose them and shit. And then carry them around some more. Maybe play with their feet or stockings a little, but generally no genitals are involved. What. The. Fuck? It is literally called something like carry porn. Is that really how some dudes get off? I kind of get the fake rape thing, even though it is questionable in nature, because at least the goal is fucking. But to chloroform a chick just so you can carry her around??
(You can thank for this revelation.)
I don't get it.