lots has been written about the potential implications on human evolutionary history of the commonality of men raping women during the millions of years of human evolution, but what if there had ever been a point at which roaming matriarchal warbands went around and demanded sex from men on threat of death on a wide scale? when it was Genghis Khan and his troops raping the women of Asia, it didn't matter whether the woman got physically aroused or not, the man was able to rape her. however, arousal is necessary for men to have sex, even in rape situations. roaming sex craved Amazonian war bands would exceedingly quickly alter the male gene pool by favoring men who are able to attain erections in the face of a terrible situation like a horrible blood crazed barbarian woman holding a knife to your throat telling you to fuck her. perhaps this is the explanation for why men are such horny devils compared to women in the modern day?