Is it irony that Foler solidarity'd this post?*I really wonder why people create fake personas on this forum. I actually enjoy being able to tell people how I actually think without having to pull any punches or giving a shit
Heh, suineg. Oh, suineg.I wonder if all dudes have rifled dicks. I notice my urine spins as it comes out. Can't remember if it's a RH twist or LH. Next time I piss i'll take a flashlight and try to get a good look. Today I wondered if that's true for all dudes or if I'm just weird. This would be right in suenig's wheelhouse. For the first time since he bailed I wish he was here. I'll have to settle for input fromIzo because I know he must know something about this. He can probably tell my cholesterol by how fast it twists.
Bro if you are gonna post cock, post Cam`s Goblin Cock. I never did see it and I am morbidly curious.Heh, suineg. Oh, suineg.
Right, yes your urethra is rifled on the inside and the caliber changes, which produces a wide stream.The meatus ends in an upside-down T, which makes it spiral. There is no or negligble coriolis effect, bc that would require long distances (BURN). In any case most litterature speculates that women get more UVI's bc they don't have the above anatomy. Also their urethra is significantly shorter. In utero the cloacal / urinary tracts are formed from the same base, muller/wolf, and depending on hormone induction develops either way. This may account for anomolies as to left or right spiral. And stenosis and other anomalies. As for more embryologically founded explanations, it's funny that left testicle usually hangs lower than the right. Cup your own, try it out. It's not gay unless you let another man do it - if it's a doctor it's okay. Unless also checking your prostate at the same time. That's kinda gay.
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Have a good oneView attachment 379700
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If it didn't, it would make walking upright painful.As for more embryologically founded explanations, it's funny that left testicle usually hangs lower than the right.
When I had that^ idea I was (probably obviously to you lot) thinking about people who used to game the /roll RNG in EQ back in the day. Not sure who in my real life would be interested in this passage of fiction I ended up writing about the idea.If we are living in a computer simulation, then cleromancy (I Ching, casting bones, reading tea leaves, etc) could have been a primitive means of determining future chaotic events by sniffing out random seeds of the universe's Pseudo Random Number Generator algorithm.
Nope, I have that reputation because of how much I hang out in the fast food thread, but I'm a healthy weight for my height. I've gained about 20 pounds since I posted that in the spring, but even with that weight I'm still 6'1" 200lbs.Aren't you a self described fatty fat? And you have an 8 inch hog? Dude, cut some weight and you could do geriatric porn.
Ohhhh, I think I was thinking ofGoing back to old posts here
Nope, I have that reputation because of how much I hang out in the fast food thread, but I'm a healthy weight for my height. I've gained about 20 pounds since I posted that in the spring, but even with that weight I'm still 6'1" 200lbs.
And even then I'm constantly told I'm too thin when my weight comes up IRL, I honestly think my bulge makes me look skinnier than I am lol.
Probably. I am the boozing fatty around here. Well, one of many anyhow.Ohhhh, I think I was thinking ofPhazael
Phazael may have been the one that started the whole "pharmakos is a fatty" thing bahaha. My memory is shot tho so I might be misremembering.Ohhhh, I think I was thinking ofPhazael
I didn't know anything about that med history, but glad to hear you're still upright!Phazael may have been the one that started the whole "pharmakos is a fatty" thing bahaha. My memory is shot tho so I might be misremembering.
Oh yeah someone else told me my fast food habit was why I had cancer
BTW if anyone cares while I'm doing this rare drop in, I beat my stage 4 seminoma after four years. Life has still been hell since tho. Last chemotherapy option I had offered me a 17% (1 out of 6) chance of survival and a 72% chance of life long nerve damage even if I roll that 6 on the first die.
Thank you kind sir.I didn't know anything about that med history, but glad to hear you're still upright!
If anything takes a turn for the worse for you,Gavinmad would really appreciate it if you could drag Chani2021 into the great beyond with you.
We had a big group chat going in 2017, like 30 or 40 people in it. I don't remember how it started, butEveryone I see posting is at least a Silver if not a Gold donor. Is that why this board is still going? Everyone is pot committed?
Wasn't me, never seen any of your assholes.We had a big group chat going in 2017, like 30 or 40 people in it. I don't remember how it started, butJasker sent a close up picture of his butthole in the group chat and told someone (maybe
Tuco ?) to eat his asshole. This started a chain reaction that turned into a "who has the grossest asshole" contest by the following morning. 24 people tied for first place. There was a gentleman's agreement to never re-share the pictures, which is thankfully the reason we don't have a thread full of 50 year old halfling druid assholes on this forum.
This all happened about 3 weeks beforeLightning Lord Rule took over as the grand dragon of the forums, and the "donor" system was implemented shortly after. No one except him and Genius saw the actual donation numbers, but supposedly they'd received $17 from 3 donors after a week, which he complained about at length in the Amod thread.
OhSeven , the 3rd blackest asshole in the "grossest asshole" contest, joked that LLR could hold (pictures of) everyone's assholes for ransom. Within an hour of O7s post, all of the pictures of gross assholes disappeared from the group chat and all of us started receiving PMs, one by one, of our own assholes and a strong implication that becoming a silver-or-better tier donor was in our best interest.
Within 2 or 3 days, almost everyone left the group chat, a few left the forums, some of us got fancy badges by our avatars, LLRs coffers were overflowing, his balls drained, and a night shift supervisor at a taco bell in Duluth, Minnesota received a text message with a picture ofBoozeCube 's gross asshole by mistake. As a result, we've since learned that Booze and our dearly departed
zombiewizardhawk are/were twins.