Hmm, if we had 10 Folers and dropped them into Iran I bet those fuckers would give up and beg us to take them back or just kill themselves inside of a week.
Who knew Foler had a potential use?
Who knew Foler had a potential use?
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- 1
Seeing signs around town to stop ww3. Didn't even know it started yet. Hope I don't get drafted.
Watched football.
how many laps you do before you almost died?
I'm honored to host you in my thread. Thank you for posting.Hmm, if we had 10 Folers and dropped them into Iran I bet those fuckers would give up and beg us to take them back or just kill themselves inside of a week.
Who knew Foler had a potential use?
Ask amod thread is calling.I think you are safe.
Ask amod thread is calling.
They ran out of your salty tears.
Tldr;Did they now? I threw you an olive branch with a light hearted joke and you come back with this? Really? You are dumber than I thought.
Good thing you have enough salt pouring out of your pussy to fuel this board until 3030. I am not the salty bitch that threw a tantrum and ran away to soak my pussy.
Still waiting on you to deliver on the neg bombs. Please spend money and support the site. I love this place so any support it gets is fine by me.
It really sounds like a win win for everyone. You get to feel all internet tough guy and show everyone all that money you have. The Site/Lightning Lord Rule gets paid and I get the satisfaction of knowing that I got to you and that I know you are truly a salty pussy. I own you.
Scientifically proven that when a user post long rants it's usually because they're salty.
June 2020 mod campaign - gonna automate all the things and make everyone's dreams come true. Gonna make it easier for amod team to do their job and add bonus features to implement stuff people want that hasn't been feasible due to the amount of moderation work it requires.
If anything I had my grab them by the pussy moment just like M2DT.
Big plans fellas. Big plans.
Why is it so hard to find Chicago style pizza in the South?
I'm not against traditional style pizza. I love it. I'm just open to experimenting, you know?If you can't fold a slice of pizza in half then it's not worth eatting.
Enjoy your cheesy tomato soup in a bread bowl you faggot
It isnt, you just order it. Turn up the Database (tm) and find something else.Why is it so hard to find Chicago style pizza in the South?
I'm telling you man this is a Chicago pizza desert out here. I just want to experiment a little.It isnt, you just order it. Turn up the Database (tm) and find something else.