Pretty sure you're the dog in this scenario.It puts the lotion on the skin.
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Pretty sure you're the dog in this scenario.It puts the lotion on the skin.
It puts the lotion on the skin.
Land of Lincoln? Washington d.c.? Yeah, the scooters there are amazingHave you been to the land of lincoln before, Big F? Any amazing beef sandwiches or hotdogs, pizza etc? I grew up there for 30 years and after spending the last 8 outside, Ive eaten every possible pizza from across the US Of A. I can highly suggest many other pizzas that are great if you arent poor.
I know you cant afford a $400 router but if you tell me your monthly allowance for extras , I can tell you some amazing things! We obviously know you dont look at the food thread where all of this has been discussed.
I would look into the goldbelly website and go down the list of detroit pizzas. Each one is a tad different and are always good. Lemme know if you want some more info if you can afford it!
BIG Faggot (Database(tm))
Wait. Did he have a pet dog? Haven't seen the movie in forever. Wasn't it a tiny little dog?Pretty sure you're the dog in this scenario.
Ww3 in Amod thread. Take cover bros.
Big Ol Crazy Buffalo "a_skeleton_02" Bill made that dog feel small. But he was a Big Dog Foler. Just like you. Break free.Wait. Did he have a pet dog? Haven't seen the movie in forever. Wasn't it a tiny little dog?
Detroit style pizza? Only good thing to come out of Detroit was Eminem and now even he's gay.Yeah I know right?!?! Lawl
So like I was saying about those Detroit style pizzas... I know youre much younger but pizza hut used to have this amazing butter burnt crust and it was the perfect crunch. A solid amount of the detroit pizzas from goldbelly will have that same crunch. They are kinda pricey so you might need to not get that hairless cat you were talking about or moving. Still in Florida ya? You do know that there are thin crust chicago style pizza places there right? Or are you unaware of those?
Must be hard to remember with all your imports and exports. Shit gets rough Big F (database tm). So lemme know! And whats up withAraysar not wanting to be your rickshaw friend? He must not like you very much since you tagged him twice and blew you off. Youre prolly used to it now. Ya know.. people not liking you and all that stuff.
Ok let me rewatch the movie tonight to verify and get back with youBig Ol Crazy Buffalo "a_skeleton_02" Bill made that dog feel small. But he was a Big Dog Foler. Just like you. Break free.
LOL SO FUNNY!!!!! HAHAHA!! But no, youre a fucking retard. Dont even care about the pizza huh? What you up too tonight? How many chicks you bangin? Tiger Woods said no to you hanging out or no?Detroit style pizza? Only good thing to come out of Detroit was Eminem and now even he's gay.
I forget, what thread was it that the mods stole from you? I think it might have been like 2 or 3 maybe... jesus H lord christ thats a lot of threads that were stolen from your life. They were going to be put on your tombstone! Who else had threads stolen from them? Me forgets.Don't know why you're Worfing me Dom.
You're basically that Sarong he wears and tucks.
Gonna go hit the gym then eat. HbuLOL SO FUNNY!!!!! HAHAHA!! But no, youre a fucking retard. Dont even care about the pizza huh? What you up too tonight? How many chicks you bangin? Tiger Woods said no to you hanging out or no?
HeyAraysar . Sup bro. Foler wants to be your Big Faggot Friend. (Database)
Doms a good Canadian bro. Just loosen up some man. Try to just do the right thing if you know what I mean. It's better this way.Don't know why you're Worfing me Dom.
You're basically that Sarong he wears and tucks.
I'm pro koala right to die. If they want to hang out in trees that are fire-prone. That's their right. Do I disagree with their decision? You bet.Foler are you going to save the koalas? Or eat then as bbq?