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Gonna finally win asshat this year.
I hope so and your reverse psychology charade fails
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Gonna finally win asshat this year.
Bro is this you and Ossoi?
Bro is this you and Ossoi?
you are a LARP'ing asshole. there's a slight difference
I hope so and your reverse psychology charade fails
Sadre Spinegnawer
You should definitely post a lot more in this thread. Like, REALLY a lot more. I think Foler would benefit tremendously from your continued wisdom, if only you would offer more of it.
Are you someone who merely cuts upon hearts with a knife, or can you heal hearts with your words and intentions? Think upon this carefully and you'll know what to do.
Not sure it's reverse psychology. That is where I figure out how to get you to do something by getting you to react to a carefully designed stimulus.
Let's break that down into parts, and see if we find a Foler. Reverse psychology involves:
See, this is pisspot psychology. Foler, he of the Endless Bladder, takes a piss all day long. He takes a furtive glance out of his mud and reed hut, looks around, sniffs, and posts about the World Cup. Or Porsche's. Or financial planners. Or crypto. Basically, whatever is being talked about when he sticks his head out of his mud hut, and into this Palace of Reason, that becomes his post.
- Figuring something out
- Understanding the mark, er, patient
- Having a clear idea
- About what you want the other person to do
- Successfully designing something
- Something that functions as a stimulus, not a piss pot.
Does he take you on any kind of adventure, any far off land, any place of feeling, life, and death? Ever notice that he is always traveling?
Always on the way, but never came. The Foler Story.
I do know something about psychology, since it has been necessary to communicate with some of the so-called "brain dead" infants that I've spoken with and helped. That's basically why I'm here, if I have to be honest. I've showed this site to colleagues. Partial umbilical natal suffocation is the most logical explanation for the cognitive Chernobyl that is FoH. Complete with Kommisars laden with medals and emotes, comrade LLR saying, no, YOU are the crazy one! Today is victory!
DM me if you think you choked on your mom's umbilical cord. If you can put your cellphone up against your chest, I can listen if you have the tell-tale "retard skip" in your pulse. Everything comes back to the heart beat, and the regularity of its pulse. PUNS sufferers, due to this odd little skip in their Atrial DIsc (part of the valve), have hundreds of ministrokes per day. By adulthood, PUNS suffers are either still trying to understand how MOO2 works, or actually fell for Trump.
Forgive me, I must continue my preparations for Solstice. But this board is full of unfulfilled dreams, and dammit, I know I can help. For someone like me, a born healer, it is hell.
Now you tell me who practices reverse psychology.
Sadre Spinegnawer you are ALWAYS welcome in my thread and I would in fact LIKE it if you posted A LOT in here. The more the MERRIER! As they say.
Your jealousy is showingYa it's pisspot Pence psychology