Again, case in point re: LARP vs LAP quest objects.
Live action role playing has to be incongruent, out of place, improbable. That's the "role" part of the equation. Something has to not add up, and not in the sense that static doesn't add up, but in the sense that "Why is there a Catholic family moving in godammit?" doesn't add up. (I still am a member of Sinn Fein, thank you very fucking much.)
Contrast this with LAP'ing. LAP -- Live Action Pissing -- just is a running commentary on what other people are talking about. I'm already on the road tires hot, doing that anti-Catholic, anti-papist rag, for no goddam reason. A LAP'er is still waiting for material.
No one wants to hear about this. This is, at best, a discrepency in the righteousness of God's creation. A minor oversight. A temporary glitch.
God will judge us for our many sins. Sins spinning within crimes, crimes within little demon fetuses created from our own abortions, an army of angry, bloody skinned feral fetus tissue eaters. Revelations: "Lo I sawest the thing coming out of the sky; it had the appeafance of one long horn, and one big eye."
Wasn't there someone who did the God posts around here? I'm not any good at it and its a fucked role, tbh.