This is a graph, not a worksheet bro
Is this metric? What units of measure?Uncanny. You anticipated my first question! Good, very good. Now, plot that statement you just made, ballpark, on that graph. Go ahead. I'll be back after I feed my dog.
So it’s metric?The units of measure are merely nominal. If you wish, consider the graph as the totality of mind, considered in terms of potential and actual capacity. The units can be called many things, and have been.
For example, a member of a species that codes memory into the curved geometry of each web, a given spider, its mind or brain exists in a state of inverse equipoise in the extreme state: x number of neurons are engaged, and y number of neurons are available, where y = 0. All neurons used, none available for more. That's spider mind. I'm trying to figure out your mind, man.
Now, let's talk about freon. Do you enjoy freon? Locate your answer to that question on the graph as well as your first remark regarding "this is a graph not a worksheet". I'll check back. Remember, the numbers, the units, are purely nominal.
I’m trying bro. Dude is like some rain manFoler you really need to listen to this man. He not only trusts the plan, but is capable of making plans.
Sadre Planmaker was his original name here, or so I'm told.
So it’s metric?
I used a thermometer last month but what has that got to do with the graph? Please elaborateEver seen a thermometer? Same thing. The numbers on the thermometer are for our convenience, they turn the simple instrument into a tool. I think you keep wondering, what's this for? What does this do? How do I use this tool?
Imagine a thermometer without numbers. Imagine that there are two thermometers, one measures neurons engaged the other, crosswise it, measures neurons available. That's a nice visual analogy for this graph, for, like a thermometer, there are negative values. One can destroy neurons -- negative neurons engaged. One can also create situations of neuronic rot -- decreasing the number of available neurons. The only difference between a negatively enabled neuron and a negatively available neuron is the method by which it establishes its state. If the former is setting itself on fire, the latter is made of ashes.
But we're not here to talk about this. Let's just start another series of questions. But rest assured, this is not worthless data. I've already learned, even if you didn't, that your mind is fascinated by tools. Fascination is a very robust mental state! Neuronal engagement is high, and neuronal availability *increases* as the organ becomes stimulated with dopamine, adrenaline, all manner of endogenic goodies.
What makes you sad, anxious, or worried? We've just discovered positive feelings about tools, and a corresponding positive neuronal activity. Let's go this other direction. Map your answer on the graph.
Fascinating. This next part is important. Do you feel cold or warm right now? I mean, not physically freezing or hot or such, but in the figurative sense? Heated? Coolish? What's the trend?I used a thermometer last month but what has that got to do with the graph? Please elaborate
Lol I’m gonna be asshat. Trust my PlanHow does it feel to be runner up for asshat Folders? Always the bridesmaid never the bride? If losing was an olympic event would you bring home the gold or would you get silver there too?
Currently working on writing my first novella, titled, “The Jews and You: How a Global Syndicate of Jews wants to Kill and Rape Your Family and What you Can Do About It.”
One of my lead characters is namedwormie