Caught up on this and it is some hybrid of Lost and The Leftovers. At least in this they aren't even trying to find an explanation for anything (for the most part) and constantly offering more and more mystery. I mean, it does do that, but they're all mostly related. Lost was just random new stuff after new stuff. Here there's just some strange stuff going down. Walt's dad is still walking around accomplishing nothing. They may as well have made him the same character for Lost and created some crossover universe where this guy gets continually screwed show after show.
Jade's relationship with Tiger Mom was probably the best part. And the point made in the post above. They need a plotline where they try to capture one of the things and see what happens to it when the sun comes out.
Jade's relationship with Tiger Mom was probably the best part. And the point made in the post above. They need a plotline where they try to capture one of the things and see what happens to it when the sun comes out.
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