Funny, Strange, Random Pics


<Silver Donator>
Looks like I wouldn't need to fight you as obviously only a reptile can be comfortable and survive at those temps. I just have to sneak in and lower the thermostat and wait for the temp to drive your cold blooded metabolism into hibernation....

Checkmate lizard person!

Unrelated : I'm about to have to do a mid year review cycle at my work and I think I'll just sum up my entire work motivation level by attaching this pic..
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I typically cool to 78. It's perfectly comfortable if you wear shorts and a t-shirt. 82 is when I start sweating while sitting down, even with a fan. My wife and I both work from home so these programs that want to raise the set point can fuck right off. Peak load hours from 4-9, you say? No shit, that's when the house is hottest and everyone is home for dinner.

These programs are dumb because they only operate on averages. Yeah, maybe some of us could move the set point a couple degrees, but that's peanuts compared to my neighbor who heats to 76 in the winter and cools to 68 in the summer.

I just had my attic reinsulated and replaced my windows this past year and the difference is AMAZING. I've got one degree temperature difference between the interior floors and ceilings when the attic is 110+. As long as nighttime lows are in the 60's we can open up at night and close in the morning I go through a 90-95 degree day without the AC running at all.

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I too aspire to drive something thats faster than my reaction speed. Too bad that Cadi is.. well.. a Cadi. They do have some nice cars. I think that phase where "All successful black rappers drive a Cadillac Escalade" really fucked up their image. Outside of the obvious poor craftmanship / quality / customer service.

Except this thing. This thing is fucking ugly and all electric too, so worse.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yea. If my Nest starts changing the temperature based on what the local government says, or the power company says - then its losing wifi access real fucking quick. I never voted to neuter electricity, and if I had the choice, I would vote for nuclear each and every fucking time. Having a cold ass house in the Summer is worth every fucking penny to me.

I’m one of those weird engineers that refuses to welcome the same technology I use at work into my home. Sure. Nice PC and a media server and a mesh. Even two cameras in the kids rooms. But none of HVAC or appliances are smart. No Alexa or google home. No smart doorbell (but I might move to this).

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<Gold Donor>
And today's entry from "Things the state thinks sane people will do if they're just nudged towards it... "
View attachment 533645
I keep my house warmer than most. 78 feels great, 80 is where I usually keep it in summer. But fuck upping the temp to 82 at night. That shit aint happening.

That said, I've been to plenty of Texas houses where you step in and thermostat is like 62. Mexicans in particular love cranking the shit out of their AC. I can only imagine their energy bill.
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<Silver Donator>
I too aspire to drive something thats faster than my reaction speed. Too bad that Cadi is.. well.. a Cadi. They do have some nice cars. I think that phase where "All successful black rappers drive a Cadillac Escalade" really fucked up their image. Outside of the obvious poor craftmanship / quality / customer service.

Except this thing. This thing is fucking ugly and all electric too, so worse.

Yeah, that thing is a painful thing to look at...

OTOH, I can firmly attest that the fastest I've ever gone in a car is in my CTS V-sport. And one of the key factors that I won't officially admit was a draw, but was, was that unlike it's competitors in the "luxury sedan" arena it has no actual limiter on it, and a top speed a touch over 170. (which leads to the first part of this statement). It also handles better than any car I've owned before. It would eat my old Mustang's lunch 7 days a week.

Mine :

2017 CTS V-sport. Gray with Kona leather interior. NGL, it's my rolling happy place.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Catty’s have gone full stupid for the back ends of their EVs its sad…

Like the new Hyundai Santa Fe, looks sweet to me, but the rear tail lights KILL the entire car imo. Sad.

Edit: pic for fsr!

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Blackwing Lair Raider
I too aspire to drive something thats faster than my reaction speed. Too bad that Cadi is.. well.. a Cadi. They do have some nice cars. I think that phase where "All successful black rappers drive a Cadillac Escalade" really fucked up their image. Outside of the obvious poor craftmanship / quality / customer service.

Except this thing. This thing is fucking ugly and all electric too, so worse.
We don't really have Cadillacs here (Other than some personal imports) so not super up with their styling choices, but . . . this feels either Lotus Europa, or Jensen Interceptor was on their minds . . . (Both Fucking ugly cars IMHO..)


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