Funny, Strange, Random Pics


<Silver Donator>
We don't really have Cadillacs here (Other than some personal imports) so not super up with their styling choices, but . . . this feels either Lotus Europa, or Jensen Interceptor was on their minds . . . (Both Fucking ugly cars IMHO..)

View attachment 533693

View attachment 533692
Fair enough... so a tiny moment of Caddy history....

That car that looks so horrible is Cadillac's attempt to rekindle a weird fandom that happened earlier on in the V and V-sport lines. The V and V-sport lines are basically making Cadillacs into new age muscle cars. The V did this traditionally by taking the top end Corvette power train and suspension and putting it in a 4 door sedan. They're beasts and there is a whole car culture around them. At one point they made a literal Cadillac station wagon and came out with a V edition. It was awkward looking but for some reason there was a crowd that fell in love with the idea of being able to carry people/stuff like an SUV but being close to the ground (like an El Camino), and having essentially fire breathing dragon horsepower. That pic you saw is them trying to recapture that , and IMHO failing miserably. Now a days due to laws in the US around fuel efficiency and other reasons they aren't putting the massive Corvette power trains into the V's but are still dropping in very formidable and powerful supercharged engines. They're still beasts, but no longer a corvette/wolf in 4dr sedan clothing... They're just super powerful sedans.

If you are a little more subtle (and have a more restrained sense of how much you want to spend) you get yourself a V-sport like I did. It's a 3.6l Twin Turbo with a performance suspension on it and still does 0-60 in around 4-4.1 seconds.

One of those CTS V wagons....

Now a days instead of calling them such they call them the CTS Blackhawk I believe, and no longer make a wagon option.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fair enough... so a tiny moment of Caddy history....

That car that looks so horrible is Cadillac's attempt to rekindle a weird fandom that happened earlier on in the V and V-sport lines. The V and V-sport lines are basically making Cadillacs into new age muscle cars. The V did this traditionally by taking the top end Corvette power train and suspension and putting it in a 4 door sedan. They're beasts and there is a whole car culture around them. At one point they made a literal Cadillac station wagon and came out with a V edition. It was awkward looking but for some reason there was a crowd that fell in love with the idea of being able to carry people/stuff like an SUV but being close to the ground (like an El Camino), and having essentially fire breathing dragon horsepower. That pic you saw is them trying to recapture that , and IMHO failing miserably. Now a days due to laws in the US around fuel efficiency and other reasons they aren't putting the massive Corvette power trains into the V's but are still dropping in very formidable and powerful supercharged engines. They're still beasts, but no longer a corvette/wolf in 4dr sedan clothing... They're just super powerful sedans.

If you are a little more subtle (and have a more restrained sense of how much you want to spend) you get yourself a V-sport like I did. It's a 3.6l Twin Turbo with a performance suspension on it and still does 0-60 in around 4-4.1 seconds.

One of those CTS V wagons....
View attachment 533702

Now a days instead of calling them such they call them the CTS Blackhawk I believe, and no longer make a wagon option.
Blackwing, but yes. Different times now. I coveted the V wagon 15 years ago. Some retarded shit about all Caddy’s being EV from here on out. Lots of car manufacturers fucked up that prediction. Funny enough, Toyota knows EVs aren’t the sole future of automobiles.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Catty’s have gone full stupid for the back ends of their EVs its sad…

Like the new Hyundai Santa Fe, looks sweet to me, but the rear tail lights KILL the entire car imo. Sad.

Edit: pic for fsr!

View attachment 533689
My dad just bought one of these Santa Fe’s. Thing is a damn brick and I think it’s kinda ugly. The dog bones, as my family calls them, aren’t doing it any favors.

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Log Wizard
I too aspire to drive something thats faster than my reaction speed. Too bad that Cadi is.. well.. a Cadi. They do have some nice cars. I think that phase where "All successful black rappers drive a Cadillac Escalade" really fucked up their image. Outside of the obvious poor craftmanship / quality / customer service.

Except this thing. This thing is fucking ugly and all electric too, so worse.

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