That had to be what it was then. I remember I used it to find the best weapons per class and bee-lined for them before doing any of the quests.Hell yeah. Along with SMB3, Ninja Gaiden 2 and a 4-Player game guide.
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The fucking feels. I member the book that came with Scars of Velious box had a story about a barbarian meeting the giants of KD and going on a war party to slaw some dragons.I read until it fell apart. it features eight top magic players (at the time) explaining the deck they were best known for but also telling a story about how they were introduced to the game or some big event. Each was very personal. I'd even recreate as many of the decks as I could in the old Microprose Magic video game as it had the old cards.
cheese enthusiasts are just closet faggots who dont want to admit they love eating so much cheese it bricks up their shit to the point of simulating a hard fat cock being pulled out of their gay faggot asses.
My family was poor, and we lived way out in the boonies so I didnt even know about Magic until I was in my mid-teens. But I completely agree about the printed matter having a tactile feel that made the experience way more enjoyable. I heard about Final Fantasy when I started playing EQ, so it wasnt my first love like Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 was. My friends played stuff like Excite Bike, Ice Hockey and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I remember hating that underwater shit so much and I havent touched the game in 20 years+.)Came free with a subscription to Nintendo Power. I actually called up and wanted to know where my other guides were and the person on the phone explained to me that all the other ones had to be purchased individually. I was so disappointed. I think sites like GameFaqs are great but there's something about print media that I'm sad to see go. As a kid I had
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and I'd read through just because I liked how it was laid out more by narrative than strategy guide.
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I read until it fell apart. it features eight top magic players (at the time) explaining the deck they were best known for but also telling a story about how they were introduced to the game or some big event. Each was very personal. I'd even recreate as many of the decks as I could in the old Microprose Magic video game as it had the old cards.
That is probably the best rendition of the Velious map I've ever seen, actually. Some stuff is newer, I guess.. But my teenage brain was just enamored with the shit. Nostalgia? Maybe. But looking at the dates that all these games came out... We had like 3-4 months to play the hot shit before the next hot shit came out. Back to back, almost. Diablo 2 came out, then a few months later, Velious came out. I mean, the game market was firing on all cylinder's in our childhood. Its no surprise kids these days are stuck playing Fortnite or Call of Duty over and over and over. Releases RARELY even compare to the shit we had come out all the time back then.The fucking feels. I member the book that came with Scars of Velious box had a story about a barbarian meeting the giants of KD and going on a war party to slaw some dragons.
This motherfuckerMy family was poor, and we lived way out in the boonies so I didnt even know about Magic until I was in my mid-teens. But I completely agree about the printed matter having a tactile feel that made the experience way more enjoyable. I heard about Final Fantasy when I started playing EQ, so it wasnt my first love like Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 was. My friends played stuff like Excite Bike, Ice Hockey and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I remember hating that underwater shit so much and I havent touched the game in 20 years+.)
I remember having a map of Dragon Warrior's world, and either.. it was a separate sheet for the beastiary, or it was all included on the map itself (cant recall). Also ended up getting the Strategy Guide that I still have to this day, stored away with all the NES games. Startropics and Crystalis, have the strategy guides as well. I should have got one for Battle Toads, but I dont think I ever found it (to collect - Startropics was the only one the guide was ACTUALLY useful on, imo.)
I was 9 when Diablo came out and I begged my mom to get that. Never in my life did I see anything even remotely demonic like Diablo, and I read the short stories and descriptions of the manual that came with it from front to back like it was a school project. "Heres two sentences about this demon (mind runs wild.)*
(ha, fucking wild. Found the PDF's for the original Diablo/2 manuals. Blizzard has hope yet if they still have nerds in the shadows making stuff like this available, at least for 1.) .... Man, the last half of that book gives me nostalgia feels after looking at it...
That is probably the best rendition of the Velious map I've ever seen, actually. Some stuff is newer, I guess.. But my teenage brain was just enamored with the shit. Nostalgia? Maybe. But looking at the dates that all these games came out... We had like 3-4 months to play the hot shit before the next hot shit came out. Back to back, almost. Diablo 2 came out, then a few months later, Velious came out. I mean, the game market was firing on all cylinder's in our childhood. Its no surprise kids these days are stuck playing Fortnite or Call of Duty over and over and over. Releases RARELY even compare to the shit we had come out all the time back then.
My buddies and I would sit on the school bus pouring over the EQ players guide after the game came out. How much could we possibly glean by going over the same book every day on the way to school?
I would sit in class making lists of the gear I wanted for my twinks. I had a rogue and a necromancer twink. How many lists could I possibly make? Fuck if I know, but I sat in class doodling around with my lists, daydreaming about getting my twinks geared up. Never did get a rubicite bp for my rogue, but had the rest. Got everything I ever wanted for my necro, then got him killed under Karnor’s Castle trying to solo skeletons or whatever was down there. Forgot to retrieve the corpse and lost it.. didn’t screw with a twink again after that.
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My mind is blown, I had no idea Danny DeVito was the voice of Herb Powell!
There’s a lot of images of people trolling UK police stations that have live chat
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