I'm sure you're stout, but you gotta work on the situational awareness.id literally throw you pussies over my head
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt...no fuck you. you guys are just as bad as the misc. fuck you punk ass faggots. gaurantee you wouldnt say that to my face. if you werent such punk ass bitches i would of posted a pic. i can see your just a buncha punk ass kids.
Jesus Christ A AKD123 . Way to take some standard shit talking in the worst possible way. Since your roid addled brain probably won't figure it out, you cannot post in any of the general, entertainment, or screenshot forums for the next 2 days courtesy ofHoss . Amod has nothing to do with it other than to point and laugh at this shit.
lol @ this 150lb nerdwhy dont you make me you punk ass faggot kid. you guys are even bigger losers than miscers. i was body building before i found that website. im 37 you dumb fucking kid. and ive never posted on reddit.got a bunch of weak ass turbo nerds around here. i got nothing else to say to you stupid kids. i got a bottle $250 bourbon to drink and football. bet you kids arent even old enough to drink.