But they can legally do it!This pic is dumb in so many ways. That kink in the hose kills any feeding; that portable maverick makes no sense in their current setup and just add to the kink problem. Not to mention that 4 guys can give this light car a swift bump to free up space and just run the hose over the top without hammering down windows. But hey, backdraft style baby!
This makes me smile, fuckheads do that shit all the time at my apartment and as bad as it makes me sound I sometimes wish there was a fire so their dumb asses could be taught a lesson.They can totally do it legally. The point is you dont fucked up your own system ( in this case water source ) trying to send a message to the owner. Beleive me, ive ran hoses on the hood or top of cars and the scratches left over will piss off the owner on the same level broken windows would. I even used some has a bench for our tools, stacking saws/ axes and shit over them. And they arent dropped gently.
Boy, did that fella get the wrong lady preggers.Police said Burns was previously arrested for a similar attack against the same man.
Am I the only one that thought the score to this movie was just terrible and really out of place?
Yes.Am I the only one that thought the score to this movie was just terrible and really out of place?