Please continue to spoil butt stuff like this. Thank you.
That color can also be caused by certain gas mixes. At work we have some welds that always come out cool colors that we send out to get tested as they go in to air craft and color has nothing to do with how good or bad it is.Travel speed too low, that's why it's pretty colors. Looks nice, but causes porosity and ruins the strength.
Welding stainless the coloring means your speed is correct, and you've gotten proper penetration. It's what you should look for.Travel speed too low, that's why it's pretty colors. Looks nice, but causes porosity and ruins the strength.
Jesus, that statue is so emo it looks like it was made by a 14 year old trans, lesbian, emo, goth girl who's dad wouldn't let her go to the One Direction concert!
Speculor reflection color is a function of the nitrogen/oxygen/hydrogen incorporated into the lattice. Turning old medical radiation therapy equipment into x-ray photoelectron microscopy rigs is very profitable. What part of the aircraft do you guys weld? Most of my customers ask to have titanium/aluminium with detectable contaminants rejected. But that's for turbine/compressor blades.
We generally weld floats for level control inside of the gas tank or other liquid areas or mechanical pressure switches. Here is an example of a good weld. I could change the speed on this part all over the place and it would not change the color. This particular part is tested several times per year by an international plumbing society. It has looked psychedelic since we started making it in 1973. We have had zero returns for porosity or failure through the weld. It is made from 304L.
I weld and design with pretty much exclusively stainless steel alloys (303, 304, 316, 450, Hastelloy, etc).
Turbine blade theft a problem in your part of the world?Speculor reflection color is a function of the nitrogen/oxygen/hydrogen incorporated into the lattice. Turning old medical radiation therapy equipment into x-ray photoelectron microscopy rigs is very profitable. What part of the aircraft do you guys weld? Most of my customers ask to have titanium/aluminium with detectable contaminants rejected. But that's for turbine/compressor blades.