basically, you cannot do anything better on a gaming pc.
console gaming is pure logic. i don?t really understand why somebody would defend pc gaming - to be specific, refer to himself as masterrace (and in real, these fuckers are 11-13 yrs. old spoiled brats and basement dwellers, or the fat buddy from your picture). you can have nearly the same graphic (except 4k - but only 4-5% of all pc gamers have the hardware to run 4K properly) on the next gen consoles, you have better and more exclusive games on consoles. Steam maybe have 6000 games, but 95% is just shovelware. You don?t have the typical windows related issues and problems on a console, no shitting around with drivers (oh, how we console owners point and chuckle at pc websites where the incumbent expert attempts to explain to some poor sap that his three-month old (and thus obsolete) quad-ams 3000 and nvidia orgasmo-card won't actually run generic 10fps because it's got driver 1.1 instead of 1.1a.). we have 2016, there is no need for a gaming pc. for the price of a halfway good gaming pc you can purchase all 3 next gen consoles, some extra controllers, all handhelds and approx. 30 games in the goty edition. and you cannot play all the glorious console exclusive games on a pc. console gaming has a way better price/performance ratio than pc gaming, upgrading is also easy: sell the old gen, buy the new gen.
None of this is true.
Video card drivers are uniform now. The "Catalyst" system for ATI drivers just loads whatever series driver you need for the system without a complicated install process.
3 game series in the last decade have been exclusives. (halo, red dead redemption, bloodborne)
The games run better with CHEAPER equipment. a R7 260 can run you 100-120 bucks. That is above any ps4 level graphics. Any I3, I5 , or I7 bought in the last few years can play anything. My surface Pro can run some great stuff on an Integrated Chip.
I can play any game I have ever bought, period.
There are numerous non steam marketplaces I can buy any game I want at DEEEP discounts, even on launch. Good luck with that at Gamestop. I have emails right now begging me to buy PC games for 40bucks.
The "customization" is for entusiasts and people who care about 5 fps.
PCMR is a completely tongue in cheek concept. They really don't think console people are "peasants". We all love games. But PC is just an objectively better platform. The only problem is substandard ports on SOME console games.
Why does it feel to be so wrong?
Below, 4k video of a shit Console game from 2010
4k Will be super affordable by the masses in less than 3 years.
Your PS4 will not be cycled out for another 10, it will also be limited to 60fps @1080p resolution.