Funny, Strange, Random Pics


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>

Der Don

Molten Core Raider
Consoles now are basically shitty PC's for people with crappy jobs that can't afford a PC.
gaming pc's are for children, and basement dwelling nerds without a life. Consoles also have the more mature community, you will find more " i fucked your mom" squeakers playing pc than on all consoles together.

Tom Lightner

Molten Core Raider
Figures this forum troll alt account maybe sucks crApple cock too. lol My kids love their wii, their friends can't live without the ps4/xbox. They are 10-16yo what were u saying about kids again? Real gamers play on pc boy back to sleeps with u.


Karazhan Raider
I've said this before. Any PC user that has real knowledge can play ANY console game on PC. That's just fact.

As others have stated, you are completely out of touch with PC technology it seems.

You mention crap about for the price of a pc can get all 3 nextgen consoles, etc. Why? When I can get a PC and just download some emultators and roms and go to town.

Upgrading... I'll still have my PC when it's time for you to get the next console. Just sayin.

Your logic has been debunked multiple times over. Get rekt.

Edit: Nothing better I can do better on a PC. How about play WoW, SWToR, Guild Wars, etc. Not entirely sure (yes I am) but I don't think you can play those on console...
Wait, you are saying you can play ps4 games on your PC?

And none of the logic is debunked. You are just giving valid counterpoints favoring PC gaming, not that there aren't some better aspects about console gaming


Murder Apologist
"Technically" he doesn't even need an emu.

Kinda awesome to play Bloodborne on a Surface Pro tbh.