Asshat Caepan
Asshat of the Year 2020
The last video game I played was back in the early 90's. It was Super Mario on Nintendo, and only because my girlfriend's brother got a Game Genie for his birthday and I wanted to see how it affected the game.![]()
You can't even play most games properly on a console. Flight Sims? Nope.
Shooters? Yeah, shooters are now on consoles. But since you can't aim for shit with the pad nipples, you get "assisted aiming", which just means if you miss by less than 10 feet, the game declares your shitty shot a hit. How can you possibly enjoy that?
Consoles run 720p. I remember 720p as advertised heavily here for our World Cup, to get people to buy new TVs. That was ten fucking years ago. If they try Full HD, it's 30 FPS. At the same time, I'm playing QHD (It's 1440p, you dirty console peasant, just saying so you don't have to look that up now) at 60 FPS on high details (which is nowhere close to what a console produces in graphics quality) and it's not even that expensive, considering I don't pay for multiplayer and I don't pay ?20 extra on each title I buy. ,
assuming I buy 6 top titles a year, and assuming I get a PC to last 5 years (with a video card upgrade half way through the cycle), I can spend ?1130 on the PC and end paying as much as I would have paid for the PS4 with all the extra fees. Console gaming isn't cheap. Just like a $20k car won't just cost you $20k.
But I do have lots of Funny, Random, and/or Strange pics.