Florida parents are livid at a Spanish teacher who assigned middle-school students a form titled "How privileged are you?" during class.
Seventh- and eighth-grade students at Monroe Middle School in Tampa were asked questions about race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, and religion during a Spanish lesson. The teacher, who has been pulled from the classroom while officials investigate, allegedly used the form as a way to promote "diversity."
i believe you!'Altice said the boy would come to her for advice on his relationship with his parents. She wrote that she told him "to communicate with his parents and continue to do his best in school."
She added that during the school year in which she taught him, his grades improved.'
Teacher who had sexual relationship with student said his... | www.whio.com
I have a signed, framed photo of this with a plaque that says "Robin Ventura, the only man to get 5 hits off Nolan Ryan in one game." I loved Nolan.22 years ago today.