This isn't terribly accurate. While it is Havasupai (one of the 3 waterfalls at the locale anyway), you can get campsite reservations anytime you like, it's nowhere near a year wait for them. Maybe for high-profile times of the year. You take a road to the south rim of the Grand Canyon, then a 10 mile hike down into it to reach the falls. Alternatively, you can ride the donkey train (for pussies of course) or take a Helicopter ride right to the village. The first waterfall is about a mile past the village coming from the rim.Its in a remote part of the Grand Canyon. Though the land its on is owned by indians so its heavy polluted(they dumb sewage in the water) and they dont let anyone on it(1+ year reservations to go "hiking" around the fals).
Havasupai Falls;
Can't you get the ticket thrown out then?Goddammit. I drive a Challenger, not a Charger.
Maybe. Commenced drinking to get over the pissed-offedness. Was thinking of trying for mitigation, since I was actually trying to avoid the asshole in the bitchbox in front of me who kept slamming the brakes. Must've thought it was her duty to keep traffic at five under.Can't you get the ticket thrown out then?
former fat. old license. made it up to 340, now back down to 260.and fat